Imagine you are faced with the task of joining two pieces of wood.

What information are you likely to need before deciding how to go about the task?

How big and important are the pieces? Are they structural weight bearing? Is the joint going to be seen? And so on.

So: you have the information; you can then decide how you go about the joining.  Do you nail? Screw? Glue? Combine rebate glue and screw? Countersink the screw? And so on. You have many options, but without the contextual information, you cannot make an informed decision that will give you the best outcome.

Sometimes this is easy, instantaneous, other times it will require more time and research to get the right answer.

Figuring out your marketing programs is no different.

How are you going to allocate your limited resources across all the possibilities that face you?

Marketing has only one purpose, to generate revenue. Sometimes it is revenue today. Sometimes tomorrow, next month, next year, next decade. If you cannot see a connection between the marketing activity and future revenue, stop now!

 The challenge is to know enough to ask informed and intelligent questions, and be able to separate the bullshit from the good answers.

This ‘marketing game’ is full of sellers of new shiny toys that are ‘guaranteed’ to be the answer to all your commercial problems, delivering you rivers of cash.

In order to help you separate the bullshit from the reality, there are four tools you can use to do the separation, which will assist you too see the connections to revenue.

They all are interdependent, none by themselves is of great value, and together they are a powerful way of thinking about your business.

The 4 seem simple at first glance, but in reality very complex questions, that in combination will give you the beginnings of an answer. The rest will come with experience and domain knowledge.

  • What problem can I solve for a potential customer, or put another way, how do I add value?
  • Who is my ideal customer?
  • How do I apply maximum marketing leverage?
  • How do I make a profit?


When you have the answer to these four questions, you are ready to spend some money.

Not before.

However, once answered, it is never enough to stand still and think the answers tomorrow will be the same as today, and that the answer today is the ideal one. Business is iterative, you learn from doing, experimenting, doing it better next time. It is an evolutionary process, so long as you are careful not to bet the farm on a dud horse. These are all connected to each other, one without the other is of less value, and the impact of answering them all well is not just cumulative, it is compounding.

There is never one right answer, the interdependencies are huge, as are the options, it is all incremental, a process of improvement and no good answer remains the best one forever.

These four factors, and all the lesser things that hang off them, are compounding.

The twist is that they also compound in reverse, so you have to be prepared to try things, but get them off the table quickly when they do not work.


A little detail on the 4 questions.

What problem can I solve?

Unless you can solve a problem for someone why would they buy from you?

Albert Einstein, my senior marketing guru, said, amongst other things, “If I had an hour to solve a life defining problem, I would spend the first 50 minutes defining the problem, the rest is just maths’

So, do your research before you jump in.

The definition of how you solve the problem becomes your value proposition. In other words, how does what you do add value to the lives of those ideal customers?

If you cannot articulate that, you have nothing except price, and nobody wins a price war.

The solutions to problems come from being able to ask the right questions.

Seeing things others do not see, solving problems better than others, and sometimes seeing a potential problem before it is an acknowledged problem, highlighting it, and then solving it.

The classic case is the iPod. It was not the first MP3 player, and arguably it was not the best technically, but it did something no other mP3 player did. It put ‘1000 songs in your pocket’.  It articulated the problem that the product solved.

While others all talked about their technical superiority, the stuff the geeks thought was important, Apple just told us what consumer problem they solved.

Who is my ideal customer?

Who is your ideal customer, the one who will not haggle the price, who loves the product you sell, and proselytises for you? Knowing that person in great detail would be marketing and commercial gold.

Like all gold, it is hard to find, subject to all sorts of distractions and false starts, but immensely valuable when discovered, and discovery is usually incremental, rather than a ‘eureka’ moment. This means it is also a demanding challenge.

What is often also forgotten in the effort to define that ideal customer is that every customer also has an ideal supplier, one who meets all their needs, delivering value in excess of the cost to them. It is a two way street, and a relationship only prospers where there is value being delivered to both parties.

Defining your ideal customer is an iterative process, deceptively demanding, as it requires choices about who is not an ideal customer, and therefore excluded from primary consideration. Choices like this are challenging, but necessary, particularly for small and medium businesses which do not have the luxury of a big pot of marketing money, you have to get it right or waste limited resources.

Following is a list of 6 parameters you can use. Not all will be equally applicable in every situation, but it will pay to give each deep consideration.

Who: Is the demographics they may exhibit. Where they live, age, gender, education, job, and all the other quantitative characteristics that are available. These parameters are pretty much all that was easily available in any detail until digital tools came along.

What: are their behaviours. Do they go to the opera or rock concerts, perhaps both, do  they travel overseas for holidays, what sort of causes, if any, do they support, are they likely to demonstrate their beliefs publicly, or are they just internal. All the sorts of things that offer a picture of how they think, feel, and behave in all sorts of situations.

Where: will you find them digitally, as well as in the analogue (perhaps real) world, and what means can you use to make a connection. Are they likely to be avid users of Facebook, LinkedIn or other social platforms, are they comfortable buying on line, do they ‘showroom’ digitally then visit the physical retailer, do they get their news from Facebook and Reddit, or more focused news sites, or even, surprise, surprise, newspapers, radio and magazines.

When: will they be ready to buy? Customers are rarely ready to buy when you are ready to sell. Understanding the customer buying cycles, particularly in B2B and a larger purchase is critical.

Why: should they respond to your entreaties, to do whatever it is you are asking of them. What is your value proposition to them? What promise of a new and better tomorrow can you deliver? What can you deliver that is different and more valuable to them than any alternative? If you cannot answer these questions, it will come down to price, and winning a price war is a great way to go broke.

How: will you service the transaction, and the subsequent relationship that may emerge? This is usually down to questions about your business model and the ‘fit’ that has with the customer.


How do I make a profit?

Just as a successful young single male professional might opt for a red sports car, when 10 years later, with a family, kids, soccer practise, he might opt for a brick on wheels, you can have different business models to suit different circumstances and conditions.

Most small and medium businesses with which I have been associated give little if any thought to the business model, but it is of critical importance.

Are you retail, wholesale, franchised, subscription, digital, or some combination? All are different, working in differing ways, to allocate and absorb the costs and benefits that accrue. Being very clear about your business model, and being able to anticipate if a potential customer will fit is in some circumstances, a vital component of making a profit.


How and where do I apply Maximum Marketing Leverage?

Identifying the point at which you can apply Maximum Marketing Leverage (MML), or in other words, get the most productivity from your marketing investment is the point at which the previous three questions intersect.

Answering the three questions well requires a combination of introspection on your business, in combination with exospection, the examination of your business from an external perspective. The point where these two perspectives intersect is the best spot to apply marketing leverage.

Most will be familiar with the SWOT model of business analysis; this is one of many, and perhaps simplest of the many ‘Mental Models’ you can use to do the examination.  Porters 5 forces, Balanced Scorecard, BC matrix, Business Model Canvas, and many others are alternatives. All have their pros and cons, but the key point is that you give due consideration to them, as they will identify and clarify your point of MML.

The ‘maths’

All that has gone before, in Albert’s language, is the definition of the problem. Now we get to the maths, the way in which you apply the leverage.

Most small businesses rush straight to the tools of leverage without due consideration of the nature of the problem they want the tools to solve. However, once defined, pick a tool, or most often a combination of tools that best fits your point of leverage and apply them, recognising that there is no formula to give you thee exactly right answer, so you need to experiment  to find the best outcomes. The process of experimenting, will also give greater clarity to the 4 questions, which will in turn clarify the point of MML.

The choices you face are multitudinous.

Digital, analogue, which social platform, how much should be spent on Adwords, does Facebook work, how to use the automation tools available, what about email, letterbox drops, and so on, and on, and on. 20 years ago, life was much simpler, there were few choices, but there was also very few of the tools available that enabled the identification of the point of MML, so experimenting was far more costly and risky than it is now, to  the point where small businesses had very few options. Now you have plenty, the challenge is to use them in the best possible manner.

However, there are three things you should always remember, and apply.

  • Customers and potential customers move through a decision making process every time before they put their hands in their pockets. Sometimes this is almost instantaneous, as it would be in a supermarket doing the weekly shop, much of it is on ‘auto-pilot’. By contrast when buying a new car, house, or even considering a restaurant, the decision is usually much more considered, research is done, options considered, a short list compiled before a decision is make. This process happens in many ways, and can be influenced by the marketer using different tools, and combinations of tools at different times in the process.
  • The tools themselves are only as good as the message that is delivered. Whether you are writing an ad for the local newspaper or sending a series of emails to your prospect list, you need to be able to write and design a piece of communication that will engage the reader, give them the information they are looking for at that specific time, and lead them to the next point in the purchase process. In other words, in the vernacular, you need to be able to produce a variety of ‘content’
  • The one tool that should be in every toolbox is your own website. This is your digital home, the spot you own, from which you can communicate with your ideal customer under your terms. The trick of course is to have a website that accurately reflects the answers to the four questions and directs the tools to the point of MML. Most SME’s recognise the need for a website, and either lack the skills to do it themselves, or get a contractor to do it, usually without reference to the 4 questions. Then you end up with a nice looking but not revenue effective website. It is a vital but challenging tool to get right.

A few final but general points about running a successful SME, that are nevertheless vital but rarely  get enough attention.

  • Referrals are the best and cheapest form of marketing; it just takes time and effort to get to the point where current customers will refer you to others. Get this right, and many of your marketing problems will be solved, so it makes sense to have a formal referral process in place.
  • You must understand your ‘numbers’. The accounts, Cash flow forecasts, revenue, cost and customer analysis and forecasts. The Pareto principal, well known as the 80/20 rule applies in every circumstance. Sometimes it is 90/10, rarely is it 70/30.
  • Marketing cannot be left to the last minute, it is absolutely essential you identify your MML before you start spending your limited resources.
  • Social media is not free, despite the rumours, it costs not only in time and effort, as well as design costs to be effective, the quid pro quo is that you give over a heap of personal information that the social platforms then use to market to advertisers. There are no silver bullets in the quest for success.