You cannot.
Building a relationship with an algorithm is beyond even the wildest imaginings of the ‘AI forever’ set, which is why I prefer people.
Algorithms are there to be gamed.
On the provider side, wherever you see a platform that uses ranking algorithms, at some point, it will become a pay for performance regime. Equally, when the algorithm is king, the gamers who understand the system better than you, will win. Algorithms cannot tell the difference between an article ‘written’ by another AI algorithm, and one that you sweated over, but your friends and connections who genuinely know you can.
When you meet someone and you seem to be on their ‘wavelength,’ stuff happens, deep conversations, referrals, collaboration. When was the last time an algorithm referred you to someone that was useful, and who had not paid for the referral via some means or another?
What happens when you receive a thank you via email, generated by an autoresponder? You ignore it, often do not open it, but if you recieved a hand written note, posted, it is opened every time, and remembered.
It takes a bit more effort, which is why it works, it taps our deepest needs to be social and connected to people.
Algorithms are not human, they have no conscience or social awareness.
If I suggested that we put an ad for grog at an AA meeting, you would be disgusted with me. However, and algorithm does not have any social conscience. Such an ad would likely be very successful, and deliver a great ROI on the advertising cost, which is what algorithms are designed to do.
In our digitising world, those who continue to demonstrate their humanity will win in the end.
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