Pretty obviously, ‘Free’ is the most powerful word in marketing. It is the best way to get people to trial a product, make the trial free, no risk, no commitment, no money. However, it is hard to make ‘free’ commercially sustainable.

The second most powerful word is ‘because’

‘Because’ gives people permission to do something they would not normally do, it provides the reason to change behaviour, it removes the discomfort of the change, we can always revert, we just did it this once ‘because…’

Next time you want to go to the front of the line in a supermarket, try asking politely, and using ‘because’ when you ask. The addition of some emotive reason after the because will increase the likelihood of an ‘OK’ even more.

E.g. ‘would you mind if I go in front of you‘ success rate about 20%

Would you mind if I go in front of you because I only have a few things” success rate about 40%

Would you mind if I went in front of you, because I only have a few things and my sick mother is waiting in the car‘ success rate about 80%.

Try it the next time you want someone to do something for you.


Header cartoon courtesy of Scott Adams, and Dilbert.