How is it that some individuals at the top can get away with the claim that they knew nothing about the stench that must have been emanating from below the floorboards?

Our chief marketing spruiker, the PM, seems to know nothing of the rotting corpse that is the culture of parliament house, until forced to set up some arse covering inquiries after widely accepted allegations of sexual misconduct of the most grievous form emerges?

Some months ago, the ABC had the temerity to show a program titled ‘Inside the Canberra Bubble’ that had the roaches running for the dark corners, and the chief law officer of the country sending ‘please explain’ letters to the ABC.

Now you have multiple accusations of rape, followed by what can only be described as cover-up under the guise of maintaining the confidentiality of the victims. A noble aspiration, misused by those who are ultimately responsible for the culture and behaviour in the place.

The culture it seems, follows those who survive it.

Helen Coonan, former Liberal cabinet minister remains on the board of Crown casinos, indeed, is now chairing the business after a scathing report written by Patricia Bergin SC found Crown had been a very naughty boy. Money laundering, involvement with organised crime, and in general being a really nasty piece of work. Ms. Coonan, has conceded that Crown had facilitated money laundering at its Melbourne casino, but denied turning a blind eye, blaming the oversight on ineptitude. She has been on the board of Crown for a considerable time, so the Lord Nelson defence holds little water.

Meanwhile, to what extent have the recommendations of Royal Commissioner Hayne been implemented? A few of the easy ones have been, and the odd head has rolled out the boardroom door, but there has been little more than added bureaucracy built into the system, and a few of the perpetrators of selling insurance to dead people, breaking the laws surrounding money transfers being promoted.

Despite the calls for some sort of ‘Federal ICAC’ supported by most in Canberra, except those with a majority in the House (until the odious member for Hughes bolted for the cross benches last week), little has transpired. The proposed legislation is as toothless and useful as my granddaughter’s teddy bear. Looks fierce, but no teeth at all, just a cuddly bed mate. Utterly disgraceful.

Perhaps the castrated, non-existent Fed ICAC, should it emerge into law, would like to examine the disgrace that is the absolute lack of transparency surrounding political donations. We all know that money given by corporate donors, is given in the expectation of a return. Shine a light on it, and we might see who is actually making the laws. As a wonderful example, just look at the basket of ‘PR-able’ nonsense that is the ‘Media Code’ passed into law last week. Mr Murdoch’s shareholders are very grateful to you.

There is an exceedingly long list of dodgy dealings, to be kind with the description, that could be listed here, but the work has been done for me. While this list of 124 instances of malfeasance is exclusively the Liberal party, I see no reason to believe the current opposition is any different and would not take similar advantage given the opportunity.

I am reminded of a couple of quotations, which sadly both apply:

Firstly, George Bernard Shaw: ‘When a stupid man is doing something he is ashamed of, he always declares it is his duty’.

Secondly, Erwin Schrodinger, he of the cat in the box: “The task is…not so much to see what no one has yet seen; but to think what nobody has yet thought, about that which everybody sees.” 

Meanwhile, Small businesses struggle to survive, employ, and train most of the workforce, pay their tax, and try to get on with the job despite those in charge of the country grasping every opportunity delivered by power to screw them.


Header cartoon courtesy Tom Gauld at