I have been dismayed by the quality of the language coming from our leaders, deteriorating as it has for the last 45 years I have been watching closely.
With several notable exceptions on both sides of the house, the standard, if measured by the insight and understanding delivered to the listener, has dropped to the level of a Sunday school teacher proselytising for their invisible friend.
“Political language……. Is designed to make lies sound truthful, and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidarity to pure wind’
So said George Orwell in his essay ‘Politics and the English language’ published in 1946.
Orwell thought this manner of language use to be a ‘contagion’ devoted to hiding the truth.
It seems to me that the contagion has well and truly dug deeply into our political ‘leaders’ now, with Scotty from Marketing being the current flagbearer.
I almost miss Pauline Hansen’s outrageous mishandling of not only the language, but people’s common sense and the truth, when listening to Scotty blather on. It is easy to dismiss Hansen as a looney, of little consequence beyond a small and decreasing group of loonies. It is way harder to dismiss the impact of a Prime Minister defending the indefensible, taking credit for anything good that happens despite his ministrations, and abrogating any form of responsibility for those that tank.
A little bit of truth, transparency and humility would go a long way to restoring the shattered trust, we the electors have in those who end up in the various parliaments around the place.