Dismay is the only (polite) word to describe the feeling as I watch the machinations and manipulation of current politics that passes for representative government.

Where is the humility, empathy, dignity, and recognition that they are there to serve, which is a specific choice encapsulated in the role?

Instead, we are confronted by ego, hubris, pride, and arrogance, manifested by the all-pervading sense of entitlement.

Where is the vision, and the expertise to deliver on that vision?

Nowhere to be seen.

Where are the facts?

Nowhere to be seen.

I am sure there are good people languishing on the back bench, and in the ranks of the political organisations as disgusted as most of us seem to be, at least in my wide networks, but their voices are not heard.  There are many other great people in the community, with the drive, vision, and expertise to deliver positive outcomes for their communities, made up of their children, grandchildren, and thousands of those of others, who would not go anywhere near a public role.

The reason: They have no wish to be associated with the body politic and the toxic culture that surrounds it.

That leaves us with a huge problem: how do we change it?

The key to success is working together. Always has been, always will be. That is the nature that human evolution has bestowed on us, as it has proven to be the only way to survive and prosper.

Somebody should tell those in the Canberra Clown Factory. Both sides of the factory, and both floors.

A few months ago, I read, again, the narrative of Alan Mullaly delivering Ford from the executioners door, building the foundations that have resulted in its current prosperity.

The overriding impression from that narrative is that besides being the smartest and most driven bloke (or gal) in the room, he was also the most humble. It was by that humility that he created a culture of visionary co-operation and accountability for outcomes.

Compare that to the products on show in the Clown Factory showroom.

The header for this rant is a reproduction of the little card Mullaly handed out at every opportunity. By way of example, he ensured he and those for whom he was responsible worked for the common good. The card originated when he saved Boeing from visiting the receiver in the nineties and lived on through his tenure at Ford.

Perhaps I should send one to the clowns?