The characteristics of leadership we expect from the local non-profit, to the largest businesses in the country, to the Prime Minister, are pretty much the same.
We need to trust those who lead. However, trust is never just given, it must be earned by the behaviour we observe. It is also incremental, built over time, it is fragile, and can be brought down in a minute by one bad example. The test, if there is such a thing, is whether we believe that the private conversations the ‘leader’ is having are the same as the public ones, and would they be prepared to say those private things on the 6 O’clock news. By this test, many in prominent so called ‘leadership’ roles in this country fail. Dismally.
Dependability is a component of trust. It has many forms, from delivering on the big promises made, to turning up on time for an appointment with the local hairdresser. In any leadership role, no matter the size, when a real leader finds themselves from time to time unable to deliver, they do not walk away from the fact, they acknowledge the failure, learn from it, and move on. To many, this is the essence of leadership, to me, in it is simplest form, it is only common courtesy painted on a wider canvas.
Leaders must be Competent. Someone placed in a leadership role, who is an example of the Peter principal is corrosive to the rest of the organisation. Those being led must believe that the leader is someone who can get the job done. That does not mean they never make a mistake; it does not mean they are never unsure of themselves or exhibit human frailties. It just means that we believe that they have the wisdom, skills, and experience to get the job done. This extends further, by ensuring they teach others to be competent at their job, and the next one. Competence is a compounding quality they pass on to others.
We are herd animals, we rely on those around us for safety, and security. We have evolved and prospered as a species because we are able to collaborate and care for one another and rely on our neighbours in times of stress and crisis. Someone in a leadership position who does not care about those being led, is not a leader, at best they are a manager, dispensable and easily replaced.
In summary, you can always tell who the real leader is: they are the ones others follow because they want to.
How does your leadership style stack up??