When you do something over and over, you get better at it, the actions become automatic.

Remember the first time you drove to that new job? You looked up the route, probably put the address into the GPS (if you are under 30) and concentrated all the way, ensuring you were in the right lane to turn, and did not arrive at that annoying one way street the wrong way. After a short time, the drive became almost automatic, and you were sufficiently familiar with it to experiment with alternatives at divergent times to avoid bottlenecks and difficult spots.

Rather than contempt, familiarity builds competence.

Processes in a business are the same.

Do them over and over, and they tend to become automatic. This means you can spend the cognitive energy thinking about other things. It is the way we evolved, to preserve cognitive energy to be available when it was really needed, rather than being wasted on the routine.

However, the downside is that once something has become routine, carried out time after time in a relatively automatic manner, it becomes very hard to change.