Dr. Geoffrey Hinton, often labelled ‘the Godfather of AI’ left his ‘home’ at Google so he could ‘freely share his concern that AI could cause the world serious harm’.

The idea of AI is not new. Philosophers and mathematicians through the ages have been speculating and writing about things we would now count as part of the foundations of AI.

Jonathan Swift gave the Lilliputians ‘the Engine’, Thomas Bayes built his probability framework that is still used every day, and Nicola Tesla built a radio-controlled boat for the 1898 New York exhibition controlled by what he called, ‘a borrowed mind’, and the first paper that recognised the potential neural symmetry with our own brains was publsiesh in 1943.

Alan Turing proposed what became known as ‘The Turing Test’ in 1950. This generated a surge of activity, culminating in three academics hosting a workshop at Dartmouth College in 1956. This workshop is now seen as the ‘kick-off’ of AI research, much as the Solvay conference in 1927 was the catalyst to the nuclear research that led to ‘the bomb’ in 1945.

From that workshop, great minds have been busily stuffing the AI equivalent of Pandora’s Box until Pandora, in the form of Open Ai’s ChatGPT opened it in November 2022, and let the whirlwind rip.

As in the fable of Pandora, one of the most enduring of the ancient Greek allegories, once the box was opened, despite all efforts, there was no stuffing the evils back in the box. Luckily, Pandora had also been created with beauty, intelligence, and tellingly, curiosity, which led to her opening the box.

This is as it is with AI.

There is the evil we all see, centred on the rapid destruction of the status quo in all corners of our commercial, private, and public lives. The beauty may be harder to see in the short term, but will become obvious in the longer term, after all, the last thing to escape Pandora’s box was ‘hope’.

If nothing else, it will be exciting, and for some, the source of significant new leverage that can lead anywhere.

 Header credit: Dall-E with the instruction: ‘Create a painting of Pandora opening the box allowing the evils to escape, in the style of the ancient Greeks’