Almost everyone has trouble with this most basic of marketing jobs, articulating your ‘Value Proposition’. It is a simple statement of the benefit a customer gets from using your product, rather than an alternative.

Internally it also plays a role, in aligning staff and other stakeholders to a common purpose.

For …………….. (your ideal customer)

Who……………..(define the specific need, pain point)

Name……………(of the service or product)

Provides…..…. (The key benefit)

For example, the simplified Value Proposition for StrategyAudit might be:

For small to medium manufacturing business leaders,

Who do not have the resources to hire deeply experienced management,

Allen Roberts from StrategyAudit,

Provides that deep experience across all functional areas of your business on an ad hoc, part time, project, or on-call basis that is guaranteed to lift your profitability.

This simple template works well for just about any product or service.

It forces you to articulate why your ideal customer should deal with you rather than an alternative, and the value they will derive from that choice.

Generating the best possible value proposition is an iterative process. Rarely do I see the ‘perfect’ one emerge quickly. Often there are several that look OK, which can be tested and improved.