Nvidia 2 years ago was a stock nobody had heard of. Now, it has a market valuation of $US2.7 trillion. Google, Amazon, and Microsoft from the beginning of this year have invested $30 billion in AI infrastructure, seen their market valuations accelerate, and there are hundreds of AI start-ups every week.

Everybody is barking up the same tree: AI, AI, AI…..

Warren Buffett, the most successful investor ever, is famous for saying he would not invest in anything he did not understand.

He conceded many opportunities have passed him by, but he gets many right. Berkshire is the single biggest investor in Apple, a $200 billion investment at current market value that cost a small fraction of that amount.

Does anyone really understand AI?

Are we able to forecast its impact on communities and society?

We failed miserably with Social media, why should AI be any different?

Even the experts cannot agree on some simple parameters. Should there be regulatory controls? Should the infrastructure be considered a ‘public utility’? when, and even if, will sentience be achieved?

Bubbles burst, and many investors get cleaned out, but when you look in detail, there are always elements of the bubble that remain, and prosper.

The 2000 dot com bubble burst, and  many lost fortunes. However, there are a number of businesses that at the time looked wildly overvalued, that are now dominating the leaderboards: Apple, Amazon, and Google for example.

The tech was transformative, and at any transformative point, there are cracks that many do not see, so stumble. From the rubble, there always emerges some winners, often unexpected and unforecastable.

Is AI just another bubble, or is it as transformative as the printing press, steam, electricity, and the internet?

Header cartoon courtesy of an AI tool.