Performance is always enhanced when there is skin in the game.

I only work with SME’s, for the very simple reason that those in charge have skin in the game.  The process of creating the environment where significant improvement to financial operational and strategic performance can be achieved requires change, and change is hard. When you own the business, and you decide that change is necessary to achieve the goals, you can drive those changes, and most people will follow. In a large business, most of the senior management still get paid, even when the train goes off the rails. They may lose a bonus here and there, but usually not, as they set the rules themselves.

It is a situation I dislike.

In the case of marketing, the lack of accountability for outcomes is more pronounced than in other functions. There is a mystique, a black box, and marketers have convinced themselves, and others that success is about long-term brand building, therefore they cannot be held accountable for results today.


Marketing should be accountable for margins, absolute and percentages, today and tomorrow. Then they have some skin in the game and will act accordingly.

The upside of the greater accountability is that those in the corner office will take them more seriously than they have in the past.

The turnover of senior marketing personnel is faster than any other function. CEO’s are usually accountants, lawyers or engineers, and they quickly get sick of marketers talking in cliches, making vague promises, then delivering creative excuses when the outcomes fail to materialise.

Accept accountably for revenue and margins, and that uncertainty goes away.

As Steve Jobs put it, you need to ‘own the results‘.

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