Revolution by digital: A survival necessity.
'Going digital' sounds easy. Sadly, it is not. Almost every company I visit or work with needs, to one degree or another to be aggressively moving down the path towards 'digitisation'. Just what does 'digitisation' mean? For most of my clients it means...
Australia Day 2024. Here we go again.
January 26 again, and out come the strident calls for it to be changed, in one of many ways, as well as the equally strident voices calling for no change. To me it seems to be just nonsensical chatter. In any event, January 26 is a confection. Prior to 1935 it...
What should be the word for 2024?
Tempo. Everything in life has some sort of tempo to it. The change of the seasons, the cycles of our lives, the routines we follow often without thought, and the planning/execution cycles in our public, private and business lives. What has changed dramatically...
The two most important words in strategy.
Imagine. Possibilities. 'Strategic thinking' has been overtaken by the 'quants'. Those that believe that by generating loads of data, analysing past events, behaviour, and outcomes, you can create a model that will give answers to the key strategic question:...
6 words that drove a career.
'Do not ever patronise me again.’ Those words are seared onto my brain, coming from the mouth of a new boss many years ago. I had not long been employed and wanted to make an impression. Therefore, every conversation was a combative one, a conversation I set...
The competitive secret weapon for 2024
2023 was a difficult year for everyone. Uncertain economic conditions, war, dodgy deals, politicians cuckolded by their own weasel words, and the emergence of AI. The last one is the only one over which any of us working to pay the bills can have some...
Do Luddites love AI?
The Christmas break is a good time to have that delayed conversation with mad Uncle Charlie. Good old Charlie is a Luddite that the originals would have been proud of, we all have one somewhere. The conversation was about AI, a topic in which I claim little...
January 1, 2024. New year revisited.
I cannot believe another year has gone by. The older I get, the faster time seems to go. As I considered how to articulate the emerging landscape that will be 2024, two headline items screamed at me. Strategy, and governance. Without a solid, deeply...
2023 top 10 StrategyAudit posts.
This is an indulgence, but who cares, it is that time of the year. I do not spend too much time worrying about numbers, this blog is my personal ‘journal’ of the stuff I am thinking about. If others get some benefit from that great, if not, nobody cares....
How to make incentive programs compulsive
At this time of the year, there is much thinking going on in relation to the manner in which incentives will be applied in the coming year, for which you are preparing the budget. There are many and varied schemes, most of which are geared in one way or...