Preparing for change is better than chasing it.

Preparing for change is better than chasing it.

    We live in a world of change, and the pace of change is accelerating. Just think about the what has occurred over the last 50 years. We have gone to the moon, created skyscraper cities, moved from manual labour to sitting punching computers, driving...

When is a problem not a problem?

When is a problem not a problem?

Strategy development is driven by the need to make difficult choices with less than complete information. The successful see a problem to solve before anyone else realises there is a problem, and reap the rewards. When you think you have all the information you need...

Crazy Elon strikes, again.

Crazy Elon strikes, again.

    So, Elon Musk surprised everyone, again, by killing Twitter and launching X. Whatever X is. Everyone in the marketing, strategic and management world generally seems to have had a go, except me, so here goes. He must be effing crazy! (Psst.. He is, but...

The single key to great success.

The single key to great success.

  Differentiation has regularly been trotted out as the core of success. In the absence of some sort of differentiation to a target market, all you have is price. It is an argument that I have used for 50 years. Problem is, it is only half the story....

To successfully innovate, ask better questions.

To successfully innovate, ask better questions.

    Innovation sessions typically involve an expensive consultant who has some sort of manicured track record exhorting the group to 'Be creative, let your mind wander, nothing is silly, think outside the box' sorts of session. That does not work very well,...

Heretic customers point the way.

Heretic customers point the way.

  Contrary to the myth, the customer is not always right. However, the customer should always be heard. You learn a lot from customers, particularly the ones who leave, are dissatisfied and complain, or who exist at the fringes of your market, or even in a market...

Enduring culture change demands action

Enduring culture change demands action

    Executing a culture change in an organisation is the first port of call in most improvement projects. Sometimes it is a minor task, often it is the major one. There have been libraries written on the challenges of culture change, from 'The 10 best ways...

Where does public responsibility hide?

Where does public responsibility hide?

    The execution of Philip Lowe on Friday displays what is to me a worrying dismissal of the responsibilities the government holds over the fate of the economy. This is despite the polite words of mutual admiration and respect, that is what it was, an...

When does a forecast become a prediction?

When does a forecast become a prediction?

    Our corporate culture demands that we forecast outcomes in the early stages of almost any project. Accountants feed on the IRR numbers, and these outcomes find themselves incorporated into all sorts of budgets for which people are held accountable. They...

The good and bad of AI impact on SME’s

The good and bad of AI impact on SME’s

      Anyone who reads my stuff on any sort of regular basis will know I have been deeply engaged with the potential impact of AI on all of us, since I stumbled across ChatGPT in early December last year. Of particular interest is the apparent potential...

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