The unspoken friction caused by remote work.
Amongst all the blather about remote work, there is an aspect that has received little attention, but in a couple of my clients is beginning to make itself known. The 'remote work' idea is not applicable to everyone. Office workers of all types are able...
3 vital questions to de-bias your marketing planning
Every person on the planet has a frame through which they view the world, built on their life experience, education, background and interests. Unconsciously we all bring these biases into the process of planning our businesses. If you ask an accountant how to...
The two key building blocks of strategy.
Strategy is all about choice: what we will not do is at least as important as what we will do. When you dig a level deeper into the generic 'will I or won't I', you come to the question of how do you make what are almost always difficult choices between options...
Happy birthday Internet.
30 years ago tomorrow, April 30, 1993, the public internet was born with the announcement by the European Organisation for Nuclear Research that they would publicly release the HTTP protocols that would change the world. These protocols had been created...
The simple solution to supply chain disruption.
While there is no silver bullet, there is a lot of tactical advice around that will increase the dependability and resilience of your supply chains. Shortening lead times, removing steps in the chain, paying a premium for service to specification, creative logistic...
7 steps to generate a Return on Content in an AI world
So called 'Content Marketing" or alternatively, 'inbound marketing', has become the poster boy of marketing. It has attracted marketing budgets like a magnet in an iron filings factory. Often, we see content that has been produced for contents sake, without any...
How should educators leverage the explosion of AI?
Many times, I have expressed the view that we train dogs, but we must educate people. The critical difference is the ability to solve problems from the mundane to gordian complexity, and to plan, turning reactive into proactive. These both require critical thinking...
7 challenges to start-up success that must be overcome
Over the years I have helped a number of start-ups. Almost all have been single or a few people who have a drive to start something they own, where they can call the shots, and be away from the dead hand of corporate bureaucracy. Sometimes this has been...
The easiest and most effective way to build carbon emission compliance.
Now we have a legislated ceiling on carbon emissions, 'The safeguards mechanism' the challenge is to ensure compliance. That is the hardest part, yet to come. The means by which the emissions will be reduced by business are unregulated, but there is no doubt it...
The saviour we should celebrate, not hide.
Never before has the need for creativity been more critical. Never before have set about crushing creativity before it has a chance to bloom more than we do now. My nephew is dyslectic, always had trouble at school, with teachers, sitting still, and anything...