Synthetic Data: A Game Changer for Small Business.

 Synthetic Data: A Game Changer for Small Business.

    AI promises a multitude of productivity benefits for all enterprises. For the thousands of SMEs competing with much larger rivals, AI offers the potential for easily accessible, reliable, and credible data on an unprecedented scale. One such opportunity...

A marketers explanation of ‘Capital Intensity’.

A marketers explanation of ‘Capital Intensity’.

  A phrase I am hearing a lot in conversation with my networks is: 'this business model is capital light'. It seems to most aspiring entrepreneurs this is preferable to 'Capital heavy', for the obvious reason that the upfront cash at start-up is less. However,...

5 ways to discriminate between the guru and the copy-cat?

5 ways to discriminate between the guru and the copy-cat?

    Increasingly, we must distinguish between 'content' created by some AI tool, masquerading as thought leadership and advice, and the genuine output of experts seeking to inform, encourage debate and deepen the pool of knowledge. I'm constantly reminded as...

The ultimate ‘AI machine’ between our ears.

The ultimate ‘AI machine’ between our ears.

    Our brains work on 3 levels. At the most basic is the 'reptilian brain.’ This is the ancient wiring that is common with every other animal. It monitors and manages the automatic things that must happen for life. Our instincts, temperature control, heart...

Breaking up supermarkets: A really stupid idea.

Breaking up supermarkets: A really stupid idea.

  The pile-on to Coles and Woolworths as protagonists in the 'cost of living crisis' and accusations of gouging, is somewhat akin to the 'burning of witches' in Salem in 1692. (in fact, most of the 16 executed were hanged, but never let a good story get in the...

Neglect to Necessity:  Infrastructure is a gift.

Neglect to Necessity:  Infrastructure is a gift.

    In a world dominated by discussions around AI, electrification to 'save the planet’ and its impact on white collar and service jobs, the public seems to miss something fundamental. All this scaling of electrification to replace fossil fuel, power the new...

Great wisdom from a champion.

Great wisdom from a champion.

    Roger Federer is the greatest tennis player I have seen in a long life of watching and playing the game. He may have been overtaken by Djokovic as the winner of the most grand slams, which seems to be the public benchmark of the GOAT, but he will remain...

Destructive political fantasy: the break-up of Woolworths and Coles.

Destructive political fantasy: the break-up of Woolworths and Coles.

  The undertaking by Opposition leader Dutton, supported by the Nationals leader Littleproud, to break up the retail gorillas Woolworths and Coles is absurd. It is a gross example of stupid, short term populism and fear mongering that exhibit either utter...

The two separate faces of AI.

The two separate faces of AI.

  AI is the latest new shiny thing in everybody's sightline. It seems to me that AI has two faces, a bit like the Roman God Janus. On one hand we have the large language models or Generatively Pre-trained Transformers, and on the other we have the tools that can...

Commit skin to the game.

Commit skin to the game.

  Performance is always enhanced when there is skin in the game. I only work with SME's, for the very simple reason that those in charge have skin in the game.  The process of creating the environment where significant improvement to financial operational and...

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