Strategy does not include execution.

Strategy does not include execution.

  A short time ago I sat in a workshop where one of the featured speakers continued to conflate strategy and execution into the one process. Those who know me watched with amusement is I tried to maintain a philosophical silence. Rather than jumping up and...

A Future Made in Australia: Does feeding ourselves count?

A Future Made in Australia: Does feeding ourselves count?

    The recent declaration of "A Future Made in Australia" by the Prime Minister has put the future shape of the nation’s manufacturing sector back on the agenda. There was however, nothing specific on the importance of agricultural innovation and value...

Why special purpose teams often don’t work.

Why special purpose teams often don’t work.

    Special purpose teams are generally formed to solve a problem. However, it seems that 'collaboration' has become so integral to many corporate cultures, that every problem becomes an opportunity to ‘collaborate’. Teams are often formed without sufficient...

Political Strategy: Choose between the now and the future.

Political Strategy: Choose between the now and the future.

    Our current politics is an intensely adversarial, short-term, zero-sum game. Is this what is best for the country? The federal budget is due in a few days. Based on the selective leaking and conversations happening, the budget will be focused, or at...

How do we measure and value resilience?

How do we measure and value resilience?

    'Resilience' is a word we are hearing a lot these days and will hear more today. On this ANZAC day 2024, there will be a lot of words sprayed around that amount to acknowledgement of the resilience of ANZAC troops. They clung to the cliffs on the...

The hidden cancer of your battery-powered device

The hidden cancer of your battery-powered device

  Suddenly, everyone is interested in batteries. When mobile devices took off after the launch of the iPhone, the demand for batteries with a longer life than the then existing chemistry could deliver took off as well. Panasonic held a dominating position in this...

Should we be ‘wisdom leveraging’ baby boomers? 

Should we be ‘wisdom leveraging’ baby boomers? 

  The following is a post that I drafted at the beginning of the Corona epidemic but did not post. It is a personal reflection on ageism, that becomes increasingly relevant as older, retired workers I see around me now going bonkers from boredom. Few want the...

Does analysis give you the truth?

Does analysis give you the truth?

    It seems that 'the truth' is a malleable concept. We are overwhelmed by opinion masquerading as fact, economic and social models designed to deliver a predetermined outcome, managed correlation equated to causation, and market research that asks the...

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