A marketer’s explanation of 6 sigma

A marketer’s explanation of 6 sigma

6 sigma is a statistical toolbox designed to assist process improvement. It was originally developed by Motorola in the 80’s as they struggled with quality problems in their booming but now extinct mobile phone business. The tools seek to identify and remove the causes of variability and resulting defects in manufacturing processes. It uses statistics to identify problems, formulate remedial action, then track the impact of improvements as they are implemented.

In simple terms, 6 sigma compliance means there is less than 3.5 defects in a million opportunities for that defect to occur. This can apply to a specific machine or action, or whole production line. Clearly the latter creates many more opportunities for error, and therefore harder to stay ahead of the 3.5 defects/million opportunities benchmark.

Improvement projects are run to a proven statistical ‘recipe’ going by the acronym of DMAIC.

Define. Using statistics, define the problem, and the deliverables of the project.

Measure. By collecting data, you measure the ‘current state’ of the process or activity. This is the starting point from which the improvements will be measured.

Analyse. By analysing the data from each point of input, usually by experimentation, you isolate the cause-and-effect chains in the activity. This identifies the root causes of the variation being investigated.

Improve. Removal of the causes of variation will result in improved performance. The improvements require that changes be made and that the improved processes become the Standard Operating Procedures (SOP).

Control. Control is the continuing monitoring of the improved process to ensure that there is no ‘back-sliding’.

When engaged in a 6 sigma type project, I like to combine it with the SMART methodology in each component of the improvement process. This enables pro-active project management of the components of the process.

6 sigma is often confused or conflated with ‘Lean’ methodology. They use a similar toolset while coming at problems from different perspectives. In my view, and some disagree, they are highly complementary.

A marketer’s explanation of ‘Box Score’

A marketer’s explanation of ‘Box Score’


To improve performance, the key challenge is to identify the drivers of outcomes in real time, and enable the changes to be made that will improve the performance.

The ‘Box score’ is a term that has been hijacked from the recording of individual sporting performances in team sports by a few accountants seeking to capture real time operational data. The term originated with Baseball, but all team sports have a system that in some way records individual performances which when taken together are the source of team performance.

In a commercial operational context, the collection of metrics plays the same role, capturing the real performance of a part of a process, adding through to the totals for the whole ‘team’. It is a more accurate and responsive way of tracking the costs incurred in an operational situation, specifically a manufacturing process, than the favoured standard costing system.

Typically, standard cost systems while better than nothing, fail to reflect the actual costs incurred by a process. They are ‘lazy’, displaying the averages of past calculations, and as we know, averages hide all sorts of misdemeanours, errors, and potentially valuable outliers.

Sometimes these systems also have a component added to the cost of each unit of production that is noted as: ‘overhead absorption’. This just makes the inaccuracy and inflexibility of the standard costing system even more inaccurate and misleading, resulting in poor data upon which to make decisions.

Accounting has only two functions: the first is reporting to outside stakeholders. That has become a formulaic process with a template and rules about how things will be treated, this is to ensure that you are always able to compare apples with apples across industries.

The second function is to provide the information necessary to improve the quality of management decisions. The two are not connected except at the base level, the originating data.

This is where the ‘box score’ approach adds huge value: it captures the actual cost of a process.

A well thought out standard cost of goods sold (COGS) calculation typically includes calculations for the cost of packaging, materials used in manufacturing, and the labour cost consumed by the process. The calculation assumes standards for all three, and then throws out variances from the standard to be investigated. Standards would typically be updated regularly to accommodate variances that appear intractable. Changes such as labour rates, machine throughput, and price changes in materials, should be included in updated standards, but often they are not, and when they are, it is after the fact, and as averages.

A ‘box score’ by contrast captures the actual cost in real time, or close to it, so that more informed management decisions can be made.

30 years ago, I did an experiment in a factory I was running, the objective of which was to identify the exact cost of the products running through a line. To collect the data, a host of people needed to stand around with clipboards, stopwatches, and calculators. At the time it was called Activity Based Costing, ABC. The result was good, but the improvements resulting from the information gathered did not generate a return on the investment necessary.

These days with the digital tools available to collect data, there is little excuse not to invest the small amount required to measure the real throughput and resources allocated to get the better information for informed decisions. The options to collect real time data are numerous and cheap, and in modern machinery, just part of the control mechanisms. These devices can collect data and dump it into anything from Excel to advanced SCADA systems, which enable the data to be analysed, investigated and the outcomes recorded and leveraged for improvement.

Managing operations using the actual costs captured and reflected in a ‘Box Score’ manner enables more accurate and immediate decisions to be taken at the point of causation. It is no different to a cricket captain taking a bowler off because the batsman is belting him out of the park. When you can see what is happening in real time, you can do something about it.

Header: courtesy Wikipedia. The scorecard in the header is the scorecard of day 1 of the 1994 ashes test in Brisbane. It progressively captures the days play as it happened: a ‘Box score’



How your data is giving you the wrong answers.

How your data is giving you the wrong answers.


The old adage that you can find data to support any proposition, almost no matter how wild, has never been as prevalent as it is today.

We have the sight of politicians on the one hand telling us the science is wrong as it reflects the looming catastrophe of climate change, while at the same time lauding science in the way the world has responded to the covid pandemic with new vaccines in record time.

The contradiction is extreme, however, there is always data to ‘prove’ whatever point is required.

Following are some of the common ways data is manipulated to mislead, misinform, and bamboozle the unwary.

  • Confusing correlation with causation. This is very common, and I have written about it on several occasions. Just because the graphs of ice cream sales and shark attacks mirror each other, does not mean one caused the other.
  • The Cobra effect. This refers to the unintentional negative consequences that arise from an incentive designed to deliver a benefit. The name comes from an effort by the British Raj to reduce the number of cobras, and associated deaths that occurred in Delhi, by offering a bounty on each dead cobra. Entrepreneurial Indians started to breed them for the bounty. The identical situation applied when the French wanted to reduce the rat population of the French Indochina. They stuck a bounty on rats’ tails, which resulted in enterprising Vietnamese catching the rats for their tails and then releasing them to breed further.
  • Cherry Picking. Finding results, no matter how obscure, that support your position, and excluding any data that might point out the error. This is the favourite political ploy, having a great run currently.
  • Sampling bias. Relying on data that is drawn from an unrepresentative sample from which to draw conclusions. It is often challenging to select a sample that delivers reliable conclusions, and often much too easy to select one which delivers a predetermined outcome. Again, a favoured political strategy.
  • Misunderstanding probability. Often called the gamblers fallacy, this leads you to conclude that after a run of five heads in a two-up game, the next throw must be tails. Each throw is a discreet 50/50 probability, no matter what the previous throws have been. Poker machine venues rely on the players increasing belief that the ‘next one’ will be the ‘jackpot’ after a run a ‘bad ones’ for their profits.
  • The Hawthorne effect. The name comes from a series of experiments in the 1920’s in the Hawthorne Works factory in the US producing electrical relays. Lighting levels were altered minimally to observe the impact on worker productivity, and concluded that they improved when lighting was increased, but later dropped. The effect of the lighting was later disproved, when psychologists recognised that people’s behaviour changes when they are, or believe they are, being observed. This can be a nasty trap for the inexperienced researcher conducting qualitative research.
  • Gerrymandering. Normally this refers to the alteration of geographic boundaries, usually in the context of electoral boundaries. It can equally be used to describe the boundaries set around which source data can be included in any sample. ‘Fitting’ the data to deliver the desired outcome. The term originated from the manipulation of electoral boundaries in Boston in 1812 when the then Governor Elbridge Gerry signed a bill that created a highly partisan district in Boston that resembled the mythical salamander. The national party held government in QLD for 32 years until 1989 as a result of a massive gerrymander in their favour, perhaps better remembered as a ‘Bjelkemander’
  • Publication bias. Interesting or somehow sensational research is more likely to be published and shared than more mundane studies. In this day of social media, this becomes compounded by the ‘echo chamber’ of social platforms.
  • Simpson’s paradox. This describes the situation where a trend evident in several data sets is eliminated or reversed when the data is combined. An example might be the current debate about university admissions favouring males over females. If you take subsets of the data for different faculties, this may be true, but combine the faculties, and the numbers will be virtually even, perhaps even favouring females. This was demonstrated in a study of admissions to UC Berkely in 1973 and is a regular feature of misleading political commentary.
  • McNamara Fallacy. This comes about when reliance is placed on data only in extraordinarily complex situations, ignoring the ‘big picture’, and assuming rationality will prevail. The name comes from reference to Robert McNamara, US Secretary of Defence under Presidents Kennedy and Johnson who used data to unintentionally lead the US into the disaster that was Vietnam, later acknowledging his mistake.

Using data to is an essential ingredient in making your case, as they convey rationality and truth. When listening to a case being made to you, be very careful as numbers have the uncanny ability to lie. To protect yourself, ask at least some of these eleven questions.

Header illustration credit: Smithsonian. The drawing is of the electoral district created by Massachusetts Governor Elbridge Gerry in 1812 to ‘steal’ an election.






The digital unicorns’ growth secret

The digital unicorns’ growth secret


Question: What has enabled the geometric growth rates of Facebook, Google, Amazon, Atlassian, and other digital unicorns?

Answer: Wide and deep feedback from the market enabling them to aggressively focus resources on areas that deliver the best returns.

Technology is only the tool that has enabled this unprecedented level of feedback, in real time. It is the feedback itself that has been the driver of growth.

It has always been so.

Finding ways to build an understanding of the drivers of superior performance has been the goal of intelligent marketers, and management more generally, forever. The experts in the pre-digital age were the direct response advertisers, who were able to determine quickly which version of a magazine or TV ad caused the phones to ring and the coupons to be redeemed. Post digital, it is those who are able to collate and analyse the response in just the same way, except it can be done in real time.

They have become the masters of absorbing market and customer feedback, then being able to evolve rapidly and continuously by leveraging that knowledge on an ongoing basis.

Amazon started off as a bookseller, the plan was never to become the master of retail. This evolved with them as they quickly noted what worked, and doubled down on it, continuously. Meanwhile, they were prepared to invest in the adjacencies that emerged, several of which, such as AWS, have become monster businesses.

That process continues, even as Jeff Bezos invests in blue sky projects like satellite internet, drone delivery, electric cars, and space vehicles.

The hardest part is building the initial momentum. Once you have it, that momentum will drive other ‘flywheels’ becoming a virtuous cycle that is almost self-perpetuating.


Header credit: Scribbled ‘Flywheel’ diagram by Jeff Bezos on a restaurant napkin in 2001. It is driven by input metrics, specifically market feedback.


Five questions to build a ‘Cascadable’ performance dashboard

Five questions to build a ‘Cascadable’ performance dashboard


Communication of outcomes, from the strategic drivers of your business to what was produced in the last 5 minutes at a station on the factory floor, is increasingly recognised as the key to performance improvement.

Communicating the right things, to the right people, at the right time is as important as the communication itself. A communication is only successful when the meaning received is as intended, and the receiver can do something useful with the information.

Most businesses are already able to collect more data than they know how to use productively. The challenge is to pick the few that are the drivers of decisions at each level. Collecting data for the sake if it makes no sense. If it does not provide insight to decision making, why bother?

The five questions:

Who is it for?

The MD needs different information to the operations manager, whose needs are different to those on the factory floor. This cascade exists across the business, up and down the functional silos. The more the information can be made responsive and relevant to the cross functional users the better.

What is the objective?

What are the people using the data trying to achieve, and by when? Information is most useful when it charts progress towards an objective. Again, the nature of the information and the cycle will vary by level and role in the organisation.

What is the frequency?

By the minute, hour, day, month, all users have unique needs, and all information has a cycle time that makes it relevant. Typically, the higher up the organisational hierarchy, the slower the cycle time. However, making the information available to all on demand is an extraordinarily effective way of generating functional and cross functional alignment.

How do we improve performance?

Solid data is the starting point for every improvement initiative, from the smallest improvement on the factory floor to the drivers of strategic success. The scientific method prevails and requires the stability of good data on which to work.

What data is needed to answer these questions.

Data needs will evolve over time as objectives and progress toward them evolve, and is highly context sensitive.

Danger signals: there are two of them.

  1. Too many metrics. The dashboard should be three, up to five at a stretch, certainly no more. Data is only as good as the decisions and behaviour they drive, and the more there are, the less motivating they become. Ideally the three are: rolling current, next period, progress towards the objective.
  2. Vanity metrics. I see these all the time, they are easy, may look nice, but are functionally useless. The obvious example is Likes on a social media platform.

The cadence of an organisation is one of the defining factors of success. The frequency and relevance of the dashboards at every level, the way they make outcomes transparent is a key to performance improvement.



The four parameters of your ‘Current Situation’ audit.

The four parameters of your ‘Current Situation’ audit.


The starting point of any review process is to define the current situation.

In every case, the trends are as important, and often more important than the immediate position, as they are often leading indicators of what might happen into the future that will impact your planning.

The trends give a picture over time of the success or otherwise of the organisation, which leads us to examine some areas in more detail than others, asking ourselves the ever-harder questions.

The four parameters are also cumulative and absolutely interdependent.

  • Strategic.

Under the ‘Strategic’ heading there is a wide range of areas for examination. The most obvious are:


No enterprise can survive, legally, if it is outside the regulations that control it.

Looking not only at the regulations that are in place now, but what might come down the pipe at you is important, in some cases critical.

For example: if you are exporting manufactured products into the E.U. it is likely that in the near future, there will be a tariff added to any that already exist to accommodate the imbalance between there being no carbon tax in this country, while there is one in the EU. In addition, the recent submarines decision will likely disrupt any movement towards increased access to the EU.

Competitive environment and your relative place.

What is the reality of your competitive position?

Being tough on yourself, ensuring conformation bias plays no role is important.

Strengths and Weaknesses are internal to the enterprise, while opportunities and threats are external.

Strengths and Weaknesses are always relative to those of your opposition, and/or what customers are demanding.

Just because you think you do a great job, and you may, it is not a strength unless it is a better job, in customers eyes than the opposition can deliver.

Similarly with weaknesses, if customers do not care, then why does it matter? Only consider weaknesses that impact on your competitive performance relative to the opposition, and to what the market is looking for.


As Peter Drucker noted, ‘The purpose of a business is to create and keep a customer

Your business relies on them, they should be the centre of everything you do, think and say.

Understanding the nature, shape, and trends in your customer base, what needs you are meeting, what needs may be there that you are not meeting, why they are customers of yours, and not someone else’s, what they think about the service you deliver.

Customers must see the value you deliver, or they will walk.

Similarly, it is reasonable to ask yourself ’are they the customers we want?

Measuring customer ‘stickiness’ is the key to a successful business, so much so that if you did nothing else, it would serve you well.

Three measures I use:

Share of wallet. (SOW)

How much of the money a customer spends on products you could provide, do they spend with you? What is your share of their ‘wallet’?

This always opens very interesting thinking and discussions about the scope of the wallet. E.g., Imagine you are an insurance company with a big share of the car insurance market.

Should your wallet also include home, life, professional indemnity? Or do you niche even further to vintage and collectable cars?

These are the strategic decisions that need to be made before a marketing plan can evolve.

This analysis does not have to be confined to individual customers, it may be applicable to a cohort of very similar customers, to give you a SOW of a market segment.

There are some tough choices here, you have limited resources, and need to apply them where you will generate the greatest leverage.

Leverage is a word I use a lot. We all know what it means: doing more with less.

Customer retention, churn, and lifetime value.

How long do customers stay with you, how much do they spend?

Both measures are useful when applied to differing groups of customers, geographic, demographic, or any other parameter that defines the behaviour of a group.

You cannot do enough work in this space, the better you know your customers, the better able you will be to serve them, increase your share of their wallets, keep them as custumers, and have them refer you to their friends and networks, still the most powerful form of marketing there is.

Lifetime Value is a good measure, simply the sales to a customer X the average life of a customer.

Customer Pareto.

The 80/20 rule is immensely valuable. Measuring the profitability, revenue, or margin, perhaps the three of them, offers insights to performance and highlights areas for improvement.

A catch with this approach: it will tend to focus attention on the currently most valuable customers. However, most of your best customers started out as small first timers. Some will be more strategically valuable for one reason or another, so do not let the Pareto discard them prematurely.

Market competitiveness.

Michael Porters competitive analysis tool has passed the test of time.

It is a little outdated now as the complication of all the new digital channels adds complexity, but the tool remains extremely useful.

There is no business where there is not some value in thinking through the competitive forces driving your industry.

Product & market lifecycle.

All products go through a lifecycle, of some sort.

Launch, growth, maturity, decline.

Even a failed product has a life, albeit a short one.

Businesses go through a similar lifecycle, it always holds, in one way or another.

It is a useful tool to consider at which point individual products, product groups, markets, and businesses are situated, and the pattern of their growth and decline.

Where would you put EV cars on this graph? Mobile phones? Cigarettes?

Occasionally a product, or business bucks the trend, and comes back, the product changes in some way, and finds a new lease of life.

The BCG tool is well known. It is a tool through which to consider your product portfolio.

A dog, to be euthanised. A cow, to be milked, A star, to be nurtured and protected

Who knows, it will become a dog, or a superstar, you must decide what to do with it in terms of marketing investment.

Business model.

Your business model, is the means by which you turn your value proposition into revenue.

Clarity about your business model, and how to optimise the mechanics is a key component of considering your current situation, and how best to leverage it.

The strategies that will work for one model may not work for another.

E.g., The wholesale model is becoming redundant, as the net has opened the communication channels and opportunities for buyers and sellers to collaborate, and manage ordering and logistics, a role wholesalers used to fill.

Two sided and subscription models are the ones that have flourished with the net. eBay, Airbnb, Netflix, Amazon prime, all the SaaS software you use.

You must be clear about your business model, as experience suggests that two different Business models sitting under the one roof is very uncomfortable and creates friction.

  • Financial.

Every business requires money to operate, the ‘Working capital’ of the business.

Every business also has some fixed costs, even home businesses. Insurance, power, communications, and so on.

Every business that has any sort of manufacturing, from a simple transformation to complex manufacturing has the cost of goods sold, plus the equipment and labour necessary to do the transformation, as well as the fixed costs of factories. The processes to forecast and manage your money need to be robust and subject to continuous improvement.


Given we are talking about the future, we know it will not be as we expect, so the budgets flowing from your forecasts will be wrong, question is by how much, how well do we adjust, and how much did we learn on the way through.

I strongly favour rolling budgets, usually 3 months, which parallel rolling marketing review, and forward planning.

You have in effect two reporting dimensions.

Financial accounts.

The financial accounts are the ones we see in every annual report. There are statutory formats, lists of required information, and the definition of how varying situations will be treated. They are for public consumption, analysis and comparison, and come in three standard sections: Cash flow, Profit and Loss from trading, and the Balance sheet.

Management accounts

These are the reports used internally to manage the business.

They use the same raw data, and the same 3 core reports as the financial accounts, but go much deeper, and have an entirely different purpose.

The management reports are what you use to allocate resources, track their application, monitor the financial outcomes of the decisions you take, and manage the assets, tangible, and intangible, of the business.

For SME’s, the most important measure is your cash flow. Without cash, you are dead, so a detailed understanding of your cash position is essential.

Hidden within the management accounts are the seven financial levers that should be measured and managed. Price, Volume, COGS, Overheads, A/c Receivable, A/c payable, and inventory.

  • Operational.

Businesses are usually structured vertically. However, customers interact with businesses horizontally.

A customer has no interest in how you are organised, and how you work, their only interest is in having the product they paid for perform up to or beyond expectations, in relieving the itch they feel, solving the problem they have.

Putting the customer at the centre of your efforts, which is where they need to be in order to be successful, means that you focus on the horizontal, external customer experience, not the internal, vertical organisational experience.

Forget this basic fact at your peril.

Businesses are made up of a series of processes. Order to delivery, Cash to cash, Raw material to finished product, Acquisition of and retention of customers, and others.

Every one of these processes is critical.

  • Culture.

Culture is most often defined by repeating Michael Porters assertion that: “culture is the way we do things round here.” However, this leaves the question of what drives the way things are done.

Performance management.

The manner in which KPI’s are allocated, and usually they are financial KPI’s that dominate, is a critical consideration, as they are often in conflict, driven by functional considerations of no interest to customers.

For example. If your factory manager’s KPI’s are all about the efficient running of the factory, with no allowances for the downtime, experimentation, and pilot runs, that are necessary during the product development stage, you will have trouble getting a new product that is OK on the development bench validated through the factory.

This always leads to problems in the market.

A similar scenario comes from many salespeople, they often do not report to marketing, but are crucial in the marketing plan implementation.

Overlooking ‘Culture’ in the preparation and execution of a plan often sounds the death nell at execution time.


Imagine a river, running unimpeded by rapids, narrow bits, waterfalls, and varying depth along its path.

It looks leisurely, smooth, but more water passes through than a similar river with all the impediments.

The latter just looks busier, more activity, turbulence, conflicting paths around the impediments.

Processes in a business are similar.

Smooth processes that hand a task over, one person to the next, one part of the process to the next at the critical time, with the minimum of disruption, the better.

More gets done.

Flow is a state that comes from a place of communication, collaboration, and continuous improvement.

All are enhanced by tools, but in the end, you need people to work together, communicate and continually improve to achieve that state.

Flow is an outcome of a positive egalitarian culture.

One of the most common problems I see in businesses as I wander around is constant never-ending firefighting.

That happens because adequate, repeatable processes are not in place,

Next time you walk into a new office, or factory, look for Flow.

You will know it when you see it and know further that this is a place with whom you want to do business.

Flow can be seen and felt, and it can also be measured by cycle time and throughput.

Culture is an outcome of all the interactions, big and small people have with each other.

‘The way we do things around here’

It is therefore critical that you hire the right people.

You can measure engagement, and how happy and fulfilled people are. A useful rule is to

Hire slowly, fire fast, and with great care. When you must terminate someone, it will have a profound impact on them. It is vital that you do it with empathy and make the landing for them as soft as possible. This will aid them immensely, but as important, is the impact on those who are left.

If they see the departed as a valuable member, they will be wondering if they are next. ’Why not me’ survivor syndrome, is a powerful psychological force. If they see the departed as a good riddance, the fact that you did it with empathy will also be noted and bind the remainers closer to the business.

Besides, when you feel you have to fire someone, it is usually your mistake in hiring them in the first place.

A further good measure is how time is spent. Keeping timesheets is not what this is about, it is a cultural behaviour that you leave time, block it out in your diaries if that works for you, to give your self-time to see what is around you. Most in modern businesses are so busy they do not allow the time to look up, observe, and see the opportunities that may pop up. We are so busy we miss them, confirmation bias dictates what we do see, so act deliberately to remove that inherent bias from time to time and look up.

For many SME’s, the opportunity to go to industry trade shows, forums, and formal networks of peers is a great way of doing this. Chance then can catch up with you.

Keep the bias to action without which you will get nothing done, but make the time to look around with clear eyes, meet new people, as opportunities are always attached to people, they do not float around looking for a place to land.

Bias for action, must be part of the culture.

Ask yourself the question ‘Do I really need more information, or do I need to simply act on what I have

Most decisions are reversable so long as you have good feedback loops and are prepared to recognise early that a course of action is not going to deliver expected results.

Marketing is always about making choices with incomplete information, do not allow yourself to be paralysed by the missing pieces, act and be prepared to back away, having learnt something new. Bias for action is a cultural thing, demonstrated by the leadership.

The secret sauce of a successful business is to have a successful culture, one that ensures that everyone knows that what they are doing today is correlated and contributing to the long-term achievement of the mission, strategic objectives, whatever you choose to call it. Every person understands the contribution they are making today, for that long term achievement of the goals.

Defining your current situation is like having a detailed map of the block of land you intent to build on before you start designing the house. The better the map, the more functional and useful the house design will be.

Take the time, and make the effort to do it well. An independent set of eyes always helps.