Is Amazon Go the supermarket of the future?
Oh wonder of wonders, no queues!
Amazon Go opened to the public on Monday this week. The key question is what are they going to do with it?.
It seems to me there are two basic strategic choices:
- Roll it out via their own stores, an Amazon Go expansion, and/or via Whole Foods, which gives them an immediate footprint of 470 stores in areas with higher income, and tech savvy consumers
- Sell the technology to other retailers, just as they have with Amazon Web Services.
Of course, they are also able to do both. Amazon is perhaps the most agile large enterprise the world has ever seen, able to manage multiple lines of concurrent innovation that would choke every other business.
For what it is worth, my bet is that Amazon will progressively roll out the technology into selected Whole Foods stores, the ones surrounded by higher urban densities, in what will be a ‘mass beta’ of the technology, then sell the technology to others as they have done with AWS. This would enable them to capture a slice of the installation costs as well as ongoing software subscription revenue and a percentage of sales.
A goldmine amidst a disrupted retail business model and consumer experience. Not since the first Piggly Wiggly supermarket was opened in 1916 have we seen the potential for retail disruption on such a scale, and at such speed as I suspect we will see.
I do not know what is happening in the executive suites of Coles and Woolies, but if they are not deeply concerned about their current business model in the face of this coming Amazon tsunami, they are truly short sighted. My instinct is that the strategic deficit of Coles and Woolies is just too wide to be easily bridged by the tactical stuff they have both used with varying success for the last 30 years. It is not as if they are alone, major retailers worldwide will be in trouble, Tesco, Wal-mart, Carrefore, and all the rest will be on life support with them without radical change. I suspect the only one capable of that scale of change is Wal-Mart, run by a Kiwi expat Greg Foran, who missed out on the top job at Woolies a few years ago.
I have previously suggested that Amazon might reach out to Harris Farm as a way to build a footprint in Australian retail, by leveraging the lessons that will emerge from Whole Foods. This now seems even more likely than it was 6 months ago when Whole Foods was acquired.
Amazon is going gorilla hunting.
Addendum April 2024 It seems the answer to the question, asked way back in 2017 is ‘NO’ According to this report in 2024, the technology, even with the addition of AI which has exploded onto the scene since December 2022, the AI is really a bunch of Indians sitting at desks annotating video feeds. https://www.businessinsider.com/amazons-just-walk-out-pullback-shows-ai-way-to-go What a let-down!!!!