The mindset change for small business success

The mindset change for small business success

The mindset change for small business success

On one hand, digital tools offer small businesses the opportunity to look big, to compete with the big guys on a global stage.
On the other, small businesses have the ability to seek out niches that are too small for large business to be bothered with.
Innovation always emerges from the fringes. Clayton Christianson’s “Innovators Dilemma” maps the changes in a number of instances, sputtering inefficient little “Honda 50’s” bikes evolved to take over the motor bike markets, similarly, poor quality, cheap cars from Toyota evolved to replace the behemoths of Detroit.

Kevin Kelly’s 1,000 true fans article was one of the first to combine the ideas of the long tail and scale, positing that there was a spot at 1,000 fans that could be a living if you had that many raving fans prepared to buy what you had for sale.
In effect, the riches are in the niches.

I deal with small businesses all the time, and most will remain small because they do not want to engage with the idea of niches, the notion that they may be narrow but deep, and hard to find, but once found, they can wind their way around the world.

My son is a photographer, but old school. He uses black and white film with large and medium format cameras. Why does he bother in a world where everyone has a great camera in their pocket, why carry 20kg of gear over kilometres to catch a photo. Good question until you see one of the resulting photos, something that touches a place that the camera in your pocket does not know exists. It is a niche, probably a few dozen people in Sydney inhabit, say 30 in 3 million, infinitesimal, but take the 5 billion people in the world, and suddenly there is a niche way too small to be of any value to any of the photographic supplier companies, that has thousands of people in it around the world.
In those thousands there is a living, and riches of other sorts as a bonus.

Find your niche and mine it.

2 truly powerful innovation words

2 truly powerful innovation words

2 truly powerful innovation words.

Harnessing the power of “re-imagination” can turbo-charge your innovation efforts.

“What if……..”

I was reminded of the power of these two words a few weeks ago when a workshop participant used them while in a breakout group discussing a problem.

He simply asked ‘What if” and the conversation took off.

Having run many innovation sessions, there almost always comes a time when I ask this question:

“What if…………….”

These two words offer an opportunity to re-imagine the situation with licence to go beyond the barrier and imagine the benefits that would accrue from the solution, without worrying about the detail of the solution.

I once asked a group considering the marketing of financial products “what if you could have 30 minutes with Warren Buffet, what would you ask him”?

The resulting conversation led to several initiatives that proved worthy of detailed examination and in once case subsequent successful launch.

Consider the biggest problem facing you right now, and ask yourself “What if I could solve the X problem………”

How powerful is that?

Try it for yourself on something facing you, a problem, a fear, whatever is truly bothering you right now.


See, it works!

Why do 9/10 new FMCG products fail?

innovation failure

Wheels still on?

There are lots of reasons, I have heard them all, and even used a couple myself, but blaming the retailers, engineers, competitors, lack of advertising, or the weather misses the essential truth.

The process is flawed.

We know the constraints of the retailers, they set the rules and suppliers have to live with them. We cannot control the competition, although mostly they are pretty predictable, and resources for advertising are never enough. Our engineers and designers are ours, so we can get the best out of them, if we are good enough, and we cannot predict the weather, let along control it.

The thing we do control, but rarely leverage well is the innovation management processes most of us use.

If  9/10 products fail, surely there must be something wrong with the logic and processes that allowed them to progress through the system to launch, consuming precious resources as they go.

They get spat out, launched, fail, and we blame everything but the stray dog around the corner, and our NPD&C process.

Silly really.

Why are the processes flawed?

There are standard operating procedures taught with minor variations almost everywhere, they are logical, sequential, and like economics assume knowledge and insight. Nothing like the real world really.

Following is a list of the failure-drivers I have seen over the years.

The ideas are narrow. Ask yourself where most ideas that get into the system come from.

  • Customers. In many industries, solving a customer problem is a great source of ideas, but in FMCG, customers or as we should call them, buyers, have little idea beyond ways to save a few bob, or copy something else that is doing OK, but they have the shelf space to rent, so we bend over.
  • Consumers. We spend millions asking consumers what they want, then trying to interpret the answers in some coherent way, when the truth is as it always was, consumers do not know what they do not know. Henry Fords quip that had he asked his customers what  they wanted, they would have answered a faster horse, still holds.
  • The bosses wife. Always a good source of ideas, mostly crap, but carrying considerable weight in the system.
  • Your sales force. There can be the gem hidden amongst the dross, but usually they are responding to what their customers  (read buyers) tell them, what the opposition has done to pinch a shelf facing, or just looking for reasons they are behind budget. Good sales people are usually pretty focussed on the things that make a difference now, not next year or next decade, so at best they may come up with a useful range extension.

The business case. I am in favor of rigorous planning and being held accountable for results, but when you think about it, our ability to tell the future is pretty limited to non-existent, but we persist with executing on a business plan because it is, well, the plan. Every business case I have ever seen has two common features:

  • A positive forecast of outcomes. Profits, market share, volumes, whatever it is, the forecast is for great things.
  • Detailed cost analysis. This includes the costs to manufacture, buy shelf space, promotional programs, advertising, research, and all the rest. Again, all if we are honest with ourselves, factors we can only really take a best guess at. The only thing we know for sure is that the forecasts will be wrong.

We believe our own bullshit. Because we have spent all that time, effort, and money creating a business case, we then use them to prioritise the options on the basis of the best returns.

We fail at articulating the product. Every successful product I have seen has some essential component that both makes it different to anything else around, and in the process adds value to sufficient lives for there to be an incremental source of new demand. If all we do is cut the existing cake differently, the only winner is the retailer. Somehow we need to make the cake bigger, find that new and elusive consumer demand.

We fail to brief designers. This follows the previous failure, we stumble at articulating the product specs against which the technologists, engineers and creatives have to execute. If we do not know, how can they? Besides, they are usually brought in too late in the design process, they respond to the performance specs marketing tells them the market wants, instead of being a proactive part of designing the specs. This usually ensures that few operational or technology innovations get a guernsey.

Momentum. Once a project starts to move along, it builds momentum, garners support in all sorts of places, and becomes a “project” to be completed, rather than an expression of new consumer demand.

The net result of all the above is that the biggest risk is at the end, when the sunk cost in resources and ego play against anything other than a gung ho launch.

So what is the solution to all this waste, apart from just getting better at fortune telling?

Take some lessons for  the “lean” movement, the operational implementation of the scientific method.

Iterate in small steps, get a few consumers involved early in a hands on way to see of if your value proposition is sound, do a series of small experiments testing hypotheses, and be prepared to be wrong, and alter the approach. Deploy genuine cross functional teams from both inside and outside the organisation, engage in constructive “devils advocate” thinking, and most important of all, have a strategy for the business that drives the new product development process to contribute to the  strategic outcomes, not just the forecast sales and financial ones.

None of this is easy, but that is why there is so much upside, the corporate clones cannot see the opportunities. It is also why increasingly, small and medium business has an advantage over the corporate behemoths that dominate the landscape. They are able to take quick decisions based in instinct, experience, discontinuities that emerge, and an intimacy with customers large businesses can only dream about.

Call me when I can help.

Where is  your “post-it-note”?


innovation comes from dot joining

innovation comes from dot joining

Before 3M came out with the now ubiquitous little  yellow pad of semi stuck sheets, nobody realised they needed them.

There was no clamour for  sticky note papers to use as messages, place-holders, and the thousand other uses we have found for them, no market research pointed at the opportunity.

Someone connected the unconnected dots.

The story goes that there was a failed glue experiment in the 3M lab archives. One of the product lines of 3M is glue, sticky stuff used as a joining agent with uses from the home to building sites and industrial applications. Researcher Spencer Silver was seeking a super strong adhesive, the line of experiments was deemed a failure, it was not glue, it did not stick, although it seemed to be re-useable, the stickiness was not strong. It was however, long lived.  One of 3M’s employees who was also the member of a local church congregation choir, frustrated that his placeholders kept dropping out of his hymn book made the connection, and a product was born.

Point is the research had been done, there was a solution in the archives in search of a problem.

The challenging task for innovators and marketers is to put ourselves in the position where we can connect the solution with the problem.

That does not happen in the office, it happens where there are conversations happening, often random conversations, between people with vaguely connected networks and ideas.

The science of networking indicates we get more from those we know vaguely than from our very close peers.


Because those  close to us are typically the same as us, similar views, experiences and attitudes, exposed to the same sorts of stimuli, that is why they are close to us.

The revelations, the connection of the unconnected dots usually comes from left field  those who we know, but not well, who circulate in different groups to us, have different knowledge, networks and interests to us.

Go talk to them, network, engage, step out of your comfort zone, and with time, curiosity, and yes, lady luck does play a role, you might find your Post-it-note. You will almost certainly not find it if the only place you look is inside your own patch.

The two axes of innovation.


Innovation and context

Innovation and context


The first axis of innovation is the product. French born and educated artist, mathematician, philosopher, free thinker Marcel Duchamp who took  American citizenship in 1915 submitted a piece to the prestigious Exhibition of independent artists in New York in 1917.

The piece was initially rejected by the exhibition organisers, but later lauded as a turning point in art, from the ‘retinal’ meant to be just seen to something meant to be more philosophical.

It was a piece titled “Fountain” and was in fact a porcelain urinal, the first if its kind.

My point is that the first urinal publicly displayed can be created and installed by an “artist” and Duchamp was a genuine artist in the widest  sense of the word.

However, the second installation of a porcelain urinal, because it is not an original idea,  is done by a plumber.

The second axis is context. Duchamp’s urinal would not have been so famous, such an artistic turning point (I still have trouble with the whole idea) had the photograph that started it all not been by a renowned photographer, taken in his studio, and lauded by the intellectual press at  the time as ground-breaking. Had Duchamp just installed his urinal in the public loo down the road, it would probably not have been any more than a fancy pisser, unnoticed in the chaos of life.

What the difference is was the context in which his porcelain urinal was presented.

When you need someone who understand the differences, and how sensitive they are, give me a call, and I will be delighted to help you manage the context such that your pisser has the opportunity to become a piece of art.


How to get to know the things you do not know.

How do you know

How do you know

Some pretty smart people say some pretty dumb (with hindsight) things.

“Everything that can be invented has been invented.” Charles H. Duell, Commissioner, US Patent Office has been widely credited with this quote in 1899. He may not have said it, but it was reasonable at the time given the pace of innovation that had occurred for the previous 50 years. It is no sillier than Bill gates saying in 1981 that “640k should be enough for anybody”, or  “Man will not fly for fifty years,” Wilbur Wright, 1901.

It is really hard to get a handle on all  the stuff you do not know, by definition, you do not know you do not know it.

However, coming to grips with the opportunities that become available when you discover something from an unknown left field is where the gold is.

So how do you begin to see things you do  not know you do not know?

This question is not common, but has come up a couple of times ion the last few years when working with clients with deep technical knowledge, but perhaps a narrower than ideal breadth.

In considering the answer, there appears to be  few simple strategies to put in place:

  •  Be constantly and remorselessly curious, and ask questions. Anyone who has had kids knows that for a few years, the most common question they have is “why”. Go Back to your childhood, and ask why all  the time.
  • Have a diverse group of people around you who will challenge the thinking, preconceptions assumptions and most importantly, the status quo.
  • Be prepared to give and receive honest feedback. There are rarely any right answers when you go looking for the unknown, just more questions, and the often unexpected and insightful responses you get from people, use them.
  • Make sure others know you do not know, and are seeking answers, not offering solutions.
  • Read widely and with great variety. This is now easier than it has ever been, we are overwhelmed with information sources, and the problem is curation and absorption rather than finding stuff out.

We are undoubtedly in a knowledge economy, competitive advantage is in knowledge, so gathering, sharing and leveraging it should be high on every enterprises agenda, from multinationals to the small business around the corner.