How do you know what an employee knows?

Knowledge workers, and these days that is most of us, create value for their employers by leveraging their knowledge, but defining the ownership of that knowledge, and the flow of benefits from that knowledge, is a huge challenge, and becoming larger.

The recent court case between Mattell, owner of the Barbie doll franchise, and MGA Entertainment, owner of the Bratz doll range offers a salient example of the problems.

The designer of parts of the Barbie accessory range, after leaving Mattel went on to design the Bratz range for MCA, and the court held that Mattel was owed for the IP he had developed whilst working for them, but applied to the benefit of a later employer.

This scenario is a minefield for many businesses, and has far reaching implications on the way the employees and contractors are managed, and the ownership of ideas they have retained, or that evolve, even after they may have left employment.  Simple no-compete contracts, which are the norm currently are a long way short of the mark in a knowledge economy.

In a knowledge based sector, retaining, motivating, engaging, and understanding key employees should take more time energy than just about anything else. Don’t leave it to the lady in personnel!.

“See” the connections

The emerging generation of E-readers, Amazons Kindle, Barnes & Nobles Nook, and now the Ipad are as disruptive a technology as the invention of the printing press by  Johannes Guttenberg  in the early 1400’s.

Guttenberg’s invention of the printing press was in fact a number of innovations put together from a range of skills, some of which he had developed as a goldsmith, applied in an entirely new way.

Sound familiar?

Most  innovations take bits of seemingly  unrelated technology or behaviours and combine them in a different way, creating value for the user.

The ability to see possible connections, and synergies between seemingly unrelated technologies and circumstances, and see them before anyone else is the essence of innovation. Steve Jobs did not invent the technologies that made the ipod, he just saw a number of unrelated bits of technology and put them together, and then single mindedly marketed the outcome. The whole exercise has been about changing mind sets, seeing options others are not seeing, connecting the dots, and being in there first. 



Successful innovation = cash.

The great pressure for “innovation” comes at least partly from the buy in of senior executives in the notion promulgated by numerous thinkers that the only really sustainable competitive advantage is the capability to out innovate the competition.

However, in the rush for new products and processes, some have forgotten the real outcome of successful innovation is cash, and  common sense, discipline, and experience get thrown away in the rush for the newest thing, that more often than not adds little value to the customer experience.

Everyone is entitled to my opinion.

It has been interesting listening to the “debates” over the last week or so on two different topics, the latest of the seemingly endless versions of a NSW transport plan, and the redevelopment of the area of Sydney harbour now called Barangaroo

On both issues, it seems if talkback radio is any indication, that everyone has an opinion, and wants everyone else to hear it.

It also appears that the conversations vary from loud opinions based on fluffy thinking at best, to sensible opinions based on a series of assumptions that even if you choose to disagree with the opinion, at least the assumptions upon which they are based are transparent. There appears to be some correlation between the level of noise and the ignorance of the mouth from which the noise emanates, particularly when responding to an opinion leading view expressed aggressively, as Paul Keating has done on Barangaroo.

It seems to me that if you are going to be taken seriously in a debate, any debate,  about the changing of the status quo, you had better have some facts, transparent assumptions, and a vision of the preferred outcome in order to be taken seriously, and to have a useful role in the debate.

Making noise just distracts from the real work of driving change.

Is more always better?

It seems that most innovation is aimed at getting more of the same for the same price, rather than making the experience with the product better.

Every time I see an ad for a new car, it seems to have more airbags, more electronic gizmos to go wrong the day the warranty ends, but who really needs it all to get from point A to point B reliably, comfortably, at a modest cost, which is the point of having a car.

Surely it is time to innovate backwards, do less, strip the glitter, simplify.

I used to shave with a single blade, now I am a poof unless I shave with five, my stringy beard is not five times tougher than when I was 21, just a bit more gray worked its way in.

Two businesses, Gillette and Intel have led the way in adding features that they think will give them a marketing advantage through differentiation, and then  turning them into benefits.

For a funny, sarcastic view of the trend to complication, follow the link to the Onion site, and have a laugh.

The answer is inside, just ask the question.

How often is the “next big thing” hiding in your organisation without you knowing?

Fairly often is seems.

Probably the classic example, is the development of the first digital camera by a Kodak engineer , Steven Sasson in 1975.

Kodak, with a totally dominant position in the film market  had a huge amount to lose with the development of an alternative, and ironically, many of the adjacent inventions such as advances in storage volumes,  which enables the digital photographic technology to be realised, and which also made the computer industry as we now see it possible, were also developed in their labs, but put aside, as Kodak  commercial management saw little of interest to their business.

Way after the digital camera market had been populated by the likes of Sony, Kodak woke up, but way too late to preserve their market dominance, or even have a role in the shape of it.

Meanwhile, the inventor toiled away inside Kodak, watching others commercialise the technology he initiated.

The lesson here is that you need to creatively engage with all stakeholders, whilst seeing the opportunities through eyes other than those that restrict the view to the status quo.