Where does the ‘essential essence’ of marketing hide?
Great marketing is never entirely rational.
If it was we would call it economics, and be bored to death by its recitation.
‘Rational’ relies on precision, mathematics, and repeatability, not characteristics often seen in the behaviour of human beings. We are driven by automatic things buried deep in our brains that have evolved to enable our relatively physically weak species, to become the dominant species on earth.
Individually our ancestors could not beat off a sabre toothed tiger, but together we saw them disappear while we prospered. We are disproportionally attuned to detect danger before we detect happiness, a foe before a friend, and are initially suspicious of anyone from outside the ‘tribe,’ and anything we do not understand.
Great marketing is the opposite to rational. It demands attention because it is different, it creates curiosity, because it is unexpected, and interest because it is of value.
Creativity is the core of great marketing, as without creativity, every marketing strategy would be the same. All marketers have access to the same data, can apply the same logic to a challenge, use the same models, have the same distribution, so if logic reined, all would be the same for the same sort of product.
Instead, we have a cornucopia of strategies and tactical implementations, driven by some level of creativity. These days, sadly, most of the creativity has been squeezed out by the algorithms and demands of the rationalists running enterprises, which is why there is so much poor marketing and advertising around.
If you want to be seen, be different, cause a stir in the bushes, build curiosity, be creative!
It will not always work as you expect, as creativity is about being first, which is usually bold and risky, it will not always win hearts and minds in the corner office, but as a marketer, it is your duty!
Header cartoon from the great Hugh McLeod at www.gapingvoid.com