A marketers rant about ‘content porn’
Content has become a marketing buzzword delivering a tsunami of crap into our inboxes, cluttering up our phones, and potentially delivering all sorts of nasty surprises if we open them.
Content started as a great idea, suddenly we could communicate directly with those in our markets and give them stuff of value, that coincidentally led to a transaction, perhaps many transactions.
Anyone would think this was new, this is what advertising has done for decades, we can now just target the recipient more accurately.
We have forgotten the ultimate objective of content is to create circumstances where a transaction can occur. However, ‘Content’ has become a cliché, and we all indulge, churning out shit that does nobody any good.
It is like Porn, interesting at first, perhaps educational for some, offensive to others, but quickly becoming just boring.
People are keen to receive things of value, things that make a difference to their lives, but increasingly the stuff they are being delivered is just content porn, doing nobody any good, leading to the turn off, so that the good stuff gets missed in the never ending churn.
There is a branding opportunity here, send only good stuff, and personalise it!
What we need to produce is ideas, not indulgence, and there is way too little of the former and too much of the latter.
Let’s be fair dinkum about what content is.
Fair chance it is a regurgitated version of something else, and by the time the first good idea has been reshaped, and re-imagined, it has become blurred and unrecognisable. An original good idea is something most recognise when they see it, simply because it demands attention and action.
That is what we need, more ideas, originality, and deviance, in a nice way, that demands your attention, and drives an action. We do not need more of the same old content porn.
I read somewhere, and I wish I could take credit for it that: ‘if I take a photo of a pile of dog shit, I have a photo of a pile of dog shit, if I upload it to a website, it becomes content’
Sounds a bit like the inimitable Bob Hoffman, but could not locate the source.