Four strategic questions raised by Manufacturing Week and CeBIT

Four strategic questions raised by Manufacturing Week and CeBIT


The juxtaposition of two trade shows, Manufacturing week last week, and the current CeBIT, have raised some questions in my mind about the road on which we are travelling.

I spent the best part of two days at Manufacturing week, and yesterday at CeBIT, talking, observing, getting caffeinated, and  generally trying to question the preconceptions that seem to be driving the activity I saw. I arrived at a small number of questions that I think  need to be addressed.

How do we overcome the myth of Silicon valley?

Simply put, it seems that the general view is that an ‘App’ or digitisation of something will be the panacea. The VC’s will emerge from their caves and fund the next big thing that will solve all the problems, despite much of the stuff I saw looking a bit like an App in search of a problem to solve, particularly at CeBIT.

There needs to be, in my humble view, more focus and understanding that the improvements in manufacturing will come more from the improvements in material science and engineering than from a  VC funded miracle cure.

The developments that make a real difference are long term ones, basic science that bounces around often for decades before a commercial application is found, a timeframe that requires public funding, as the VC’s will not be interested. A case in point is the development by CSIRO scientists of the wireless LAN technology we all now use every day.

Where do we find the skills to compete?

We are a small country, so graduate numbers in STEM subjects are low by international comparisons, but apparently dropping as a proportion of graduations. Numbers vary, as do definitions, but to be globally competitive we need to increase the number of quality graduates, ensure their funding, and focus their activities on areas where Australia has some sort of competitive advantage. Logically the first two should be an outcome of government policy, sadly lacking, and the latter an outcome of commercial forces over time. Currently we import a substantial percentage of STEM employees and entrepreneurs, a fact demonstrated clearly, albeit qualitatively, at the two trade shows.

How do we build genuine collaboration between Government, Academia and Industry?

This collaboration gets a lot of air time and ‘polly-speak’ but seems lacking. There are a lot of government programs around to assist industry, but most are not well understood, are hard to access, and have demanding guidelines that alienate time poor manufacturing management. To be fair, we all want to see out taxes spent sensibly, but sometimes you have to take a leap of faith, and make the funding more accessible, and not so risk sensitive to the bureaucratic, risk averse funding bodies. This requires additional expert, non  bureaucratic resources at the early stages of project development and assessment.

The problem with academia holding IP remains a huge stumbling block. I delivered a session at a University recently, for free, on the understanding that I would be given a recording of the session. I put a lot of work into the session, the Professor concerned assured me that the recording would be forthcoming, but it is tangled up in the Universities IP policy, and I have not got it. Next time they ask for help the answer may be different, and this was just a simple exercise of me passing on the wisdom of my experience, not leveraging the IP of some advanced research project in which the University had a hand.

How do we participate meaningfully in the next wave?

Forget today, it is already too late. However, the next wave of development, artificial intelligence, IOT, human/machine interfaces, in short, industry 4.0, the combination of advanced manufacturing and digital technology, is just around the corner.  Australian of the year Professor Michelle Simmons leads a world class quantum physics team,  but I wonder if there is the supporting infrastructure and political longevity of will to leverage the break-throughs that appear to be coming. In addition, there is really only the one team, competing against the world, as well as collaborating with it, and I suspect both are insufficient.


As a final observation, and this is a ‘groan’ from a marketing bloke. The quality of thought that has gone into the leveraging of the investment made by the organisations of all sizes with stands at both exhibitions is rubbish.  After Fine Foods last year I penned this post that outlined 18 strategies to leverage the substantial investment required to be present at a trade show. I was astonished, particularly at CEBIT yesterday, the digital tech show,  at the number of times I was allowed to move on after a conversation without the stand staff getting any of my details, even in instances where there was obvious genuine interest, and therefore some potential value in a follow up.

Photo credit: CeBIT via Flikr




Three critical success factors of a newsletter.

Three critical success factors of a newsletter.

A colleague has a newsletter, he emails it to his list on an irregular basis as he has something he  thinks of interest to say. When I unsubscribed, he rang me, angry that I had done so, after all I am known personally, and have an interest in  the topic.

Compiling a newsletter can be a hugely valuable tool in the marketing armoury, I subscribe to several that are on my ‘must read’ list. However, my time is limited, and my inbox stuffed with rubbish, the unintended consequence of being curious in this digital age.

Apart from some basic errors, like an absolute lack of any visual attraction, and questionable editing, I pointed out he has ignored some of the marketing basics that simply have to be covered in this day of competitive tsunamis of information coming at us from all angles. So I gave him some gratuitous advice based on what makes me wait for those few newsletters I value.

Respect my Time.  Time is the only totally none renewable resource we have, I do not want to waste any of it, and the demands on it have multiplied geometrically over the last decade. Therefore, I prune from the bottom. If you want a ‘sticky’ audience for your newsletter, treat your audiences time as being way more valuable than your own, and they might stick around.

Create Value. The corollary to not wasting peoples time, is to deliver great value. If all you are doing is regurgitating other people’s stuff, how does that add value? It is also true that people value different things, so your newsletter has to be a source of value across a few domains in which your readers live, and not all of it will have a commercial value. Considering the sources of value to your primary potential reader, and being sure you can consistently deliver,  should be a foundation step before you contemplate allocating the resources necessary to build a newsletter.

Create a community.  The advice of all the pundits is to ‘Build your list’. Rubbish. If all you have are email addresses, you are no different to every other hopeful spammer out there. The value of the list you have is not in the  numbers, but in what the receivers do with the information you send them. I would rather have a community of 100, that waits for the next newsletter, consumes the content, comments, shares, and feels like their time has been well spent, than a list of a million, 90% of which get caught up in the spam folder.

None of these three are easy, in fact, they will consume considerable resources, way  more than their short term value would indicate is sensible. However, if you are in for the long term, great, a newsletter can be constructed and encouraged to evolve that will be ‘sticky’ in a sea of mundane crap.

Newsletters such as the John Deere publication  ‘The Furrow’ survive because the follow these unspoken rules. ‘The Furrow’ have been serving a their readers since the 1895, the Michelin Guide since 1900, just two examples of newsletters that have become synonymous with content  marketing success delivering brand longevity.


Is Facebooks ‘moat’ the best ever built?

Is Facebooks ‘moat’ the best ever built?


Building a moat seems an odd metaphor in a strategy and marketing post. Some explanation of moats may help.

My personal definition of marketing has been ‘The identification, development, protection and leveraging of competitive advantage’. Not a textbook definition, but one that has worked for me. In other words, build a ‘moat’ as a foundation block of your strategy.

Warren Buffet, who deserves to be listened to any time he chooses to speak, coined the term ‘economic moat‘ to describe his investment philosophy. Find an asset that has a ‘wide moat’, the wider the better, but is undervalued, and get  inside where the power of the moat can be employed to extract what economists call ‘economic rent’ or to us simple people, returns better than the average return on capital in that  industry.

Theory is that when such a valuable asset is identified, competitors will come in, and by the nature of competition  bring the return on capital back to the average. The game therefore is to be in front of the pack.

Moats are built in many ways. They can be wider, deeper, more turbulent, on the other side of a desert, be inside a ring of outer-moats, and so on. Point is, when there is gold in the castle, the barbarians will try and find a way to bridge the moat, and be prepared to spend proportionally to the size of the pile of gold in the castle.

Once you have a great moat built, which takes time, effort, and a lot of resources, defence becomes easier. However, defence is also static, the initiative is ceded to the opposition, so a wise moat owner busily uses some of the gold to build another moat somewhere out of the eye line of the barbarians. Unfortunately, most moat owners are so focused on the defence of  their current pot of gold that they hoard it, instead of leveraging it out of sight.

Kodak had a moat, a great one, deep, wide, incredibly well defended, but they left the side door to  their lab open so that the barbarians knocked off their own weapon, the digital camera, and used it against them. Better for Kodak to have taken the digital camera they developed down the road a bit and built another castle with a moat.

Same with Blockbuster. They even had the opportunity to buy Netflix, for what amounted to pocket money, but declined. Their moat got drained, and the barbarians came in the front gate.

All the noise around Facebook over the last month since the Cambridge Analytica fiasco surfaced was focussed last week on the sight of Mark Zuckerberg in the early stages of moat defence. Facebooks moat is perhaps  the best thought out, strongest, and best defended moat ever built. Not only are  the defences of Facebook itself daunting, but the pot of gold has been used to build a series of moats around Facebooks castle that are themselves defended with a series of interlocking moats.  66 of them since 2005, when Facebook itself was a start-up. Many we have never heard of, but all added to the Facebook moat system in some strategic way. A few however, have huge  moats themselves, still being built, and offering interlocking fields of defensive fire to the kings castle.  Instagram, WhatsApp, Oculus, were large acquisitions, on top of the impressive list of offensive and defensive tools developed in the Facebook labs and deployed strategically.

The US senate has been questioning Zuckerberg for a couple of days, and with some exceptions, making turkeys of themselves.  Senator Hatch has been a prime turkey, demonstrating breathtaking ignorance by asking how the business model worked,(1.30 into the video) and being unaware of the presence of ads as the revenue generator. The comparison between the questioners and Zuckerberg was so great the share price of Facebook went back up, delivering Zuckerberg a cool $3 billion for a few hours ‘work’

While you can build a deeper moat with that sort of loot, the real point is that the barbarians will now keep on attacking, using the regulators as their weapons of choice, and I suspect in time, as Zuckerberg himself acknowledged, they will be successful in getting a few across the moat. I suspect the barbarian scouts will look at the rules coming into force in the EU in May, the ‘General Data Protection Regulation’ (GDPR) which will mandate the manner in which consumer data is managed. It requires that consumer consent to the collection of data be explicit, that they have the right to be ‘forgotten’ and have the right to manage their own data portability.

Money and history is on the side of the  Zuck, he does not seem likely to make the mistakes Blockbuster and Kodak amongst many, made, despite the barbarians finding some potentially potent weapons. I cannot help but wonder if the turkeys are up to standard for the game that will be played.


Photo credit: Malcolm Gardner via flikr. Bodium Castle Cornwall


6 customer service clichés deconstructed.

6 customer service clichés deconstructed.

It seems that every time I pony up for another insurance bill, I get one of those customer satisfaction surveys emailed within 24 hours, asking a few inane questions about my ‘experience’ and the level of service I received.

There is no room to say it was at best nondescript, often crap, that insurance is a cost I resent, am  suspicious of, and just hope that I never have to find out (again) if the after the disaster facts are actually as the advertising blurb promises.

Customer satisfaction indeed.

Normally I just ignore them, as responding only seems to encourage. (a bit like voting)

However, a recent emailed questionnaire got me thinking about what customer satisfaction really is, and how we go about creating and retaining such an ephemeral and personal idea.

Is it enough that we ‘satisfy’ our customers, and if so, what does that actually mean?

‘Delight our customers’ is a phrase that seems to have made it onto a few mission statements over the recent past. Is that one better than ‘satisfy’ or just more hyperbole?

Jeff Bezos famously demands that there be an empty chair in every meeting, a reminder that everything Amazon does is aimed at customer satisfaction. Reed Hastings has built Netflix from a minor irritation to Blockbuster into a digital entertainment behemoth by being ‘customer obsessed.’

If we are to be truly customer focussed, what should all  the common clichés really mean?

‘We listen to what our customers tell us’

Really? I listen to what my aging mother tells me, but do I follow the advice? Rarely these days. It should mean that we understand not just the words, but  the intent, and we use the information to test, and retest the delivery of our value proposition.

‘We obsess about customer satisfaction’

Most obsessions I have seen are all about the obsessor, rather than the obsessee. (are they really words?). It makes some feel better to tell ourselves we are obsessed with customer satisfaction, it justifies those long workshop sessions in a nice location. Most times when I go out and ask customers what they think of the level of service they receive, it falls short of satisfactory, let alone obsessional, and is markedly lower than the score businesses give themselves when asked the same question. It is easy to pass this off as delusional, but the reality is that customers rarely think about service until they experience it, and then only when it fails them. By contrast, companies are genuinely thinking about service consistently because it is important to them, but in an abstract way.

‘We understand what the customer expects of us’.

That is great, but also a bit unusual, as different customers almost always are looking for different things. In B2B businesses, it is essential that you understand the detail of a customer, and potential customers business processes so that you can really tailor your offering. A bit harder in B2C, but it is still true that individuals are seeking a range of different things that add up to ‘satisfaction’ in their minds. The real task is to create a situation where the customer sticks with you through thick and thin, simply because they believe you are better than any alternative.

‘We put customers in front of profits’

This gets trotted out regularly, without any understanding of the implications. The reason we have customers is ultimately, to make profits, and without profits, there will be no customer service at all. There has to be a balance, but it is true that satisfied customers lead to higher profits, it is a hard balance to get right.

‘The customer is always right’

The old perennial, and it has always been nonsense. However, treating customers with respect, humility and giving them the opportunity to be right is a great strategy. The most common example used is the retail  chain Nordstroms in the US. As the story goes, take a car tyre into Nordstroms and demand your money back because it was not up to expectations, and they will give it to you, despite not selling tyres. Perhaps it should be ‘The right customer is always right,’ to reflect the reality that there are some customers who are more trouble than they are worth, and you hope they go to your opposition.

‘The quality of our products speaks for itself’

No it does not! You need to speak for it. The base expectation of any customer is that the product you provide will deliver the outcome you promise. That is quality. A Hyundai will get you reliably from point A to Point B, does that mean it is the same quality as a Bentley, which will also get you reliably from A to B?. The answer to that question will most often be ‘No’  but then defining the ‘Value’ delivered by the extra few hundred grand to buy the Bentley becomes a different conversation entirely, with different customers.

Creating great experiences for customers brings them back for more, delivering revenue at much a reduced cost  than if you had to find a new customer. Share of Wallet and Lifetime Customer Value are the most undervalued measures of sales effectiveness, and also the most effective.

‘Burley’ is a great metaphor for marketing

‘Burley’ is a great metaphor for marketing


As a kid, I used to go fishing with my dad sometimes, usually off the rocks around Sydney’s northern beaches. He was a good fisherman, often came home with dinner when others around caught nothing.

His explanation of his relative success was hard for a kid to understand, a combination of the tides, moon, time of year, the spot he picked, and some mysterious concoction brewing under the house called ‘Burley’.

Burley he told me, was a brew he varied depending on the fish he thought would be around, making it easier for them to find him, and willingly receive bait that was irresistible, but hiding a hook.

Not  a bad metaphor for marketing.

Focus on the most likely target given the conditions

Go to where they might be found

Spread around something irresistible to them to attract lookers

Ensure you have the right bait when they turn up

Heat up the pan to receive the ‘incoming’.


Marketing ‘burley’ is a tricky thing to get right, so find someone with the experience and knowledge to  ensure your mix works.

Image credit: Hatalina via Flikr

8 habits to generate a return on your investment  attending network meetings

8 habits to generate a return on your investment  attending network meetings


As small business owners, most of us go to network meetings of some sort. BNI, Rotary, your industry association, the local SME network, whatever it is, with the idea that we will make connections with people who may, at some point be useful to us, and to whom we may be useful.

Going to these meetings usually costs a bit of money, but more importantly to time poor entrepreneurs and grinders, it costs us our time.

So how do we make the most of the investment?

It really is pretty simple, all it needs is to be genuinely interested in others, genuinely prepared to help, without necessarily asking for anything in return. This builds trust, and trust is reciprocated.

However, there are some simple things you can do to communicate your value without having to blab it.

Eye contact.

Maintaining eye contact signals sincerity and warmth, weather you are speaking to an individual, or a group. Either way, maintain eye contact. When speaking to more than one, do not  just gaze off into the ether, maintain eye contact with individuals in the audience, move it around, to engage with numbers. Few things annoy me more than meeting someone who is then looking over my shoulder for someone more interesting

Use their name.

Using someones name generates some level of intimacy, especially when we have just met. We are all told that we should repeat back the name of someone to whom we have just been introduced, but many of us do not, so the name goes as we are introduced to the next person. Do whatever is necessary for you to remember peoples names and fall back on the old excuse of ‘I am hopeless with names‘ as sparingly as possible, as it communicates ‘you are not worth knowing

Listen actively.

This really just means you give your full attention to the other person when they are speaking. Listen to them, repeat back what they have said as confirmation and perhaps clarification, and ask relevant questions that demonstrates you have been listening thoughtfully, giving their ideas and words your full attention.

Know who you are talking to.

Often this may not be possible, but if you can, know a bit about the person you are talking to by doing a bit of research beforehand. This enables you to ask questions, and make observations to those you meet that will tweak the emotions and motivations of their favourite person, themselves. Often this is impossible, but these days using LinkedIn and the various notifications sent around of who is attending, enables some level of research to be done prior to the meeting. This research always pays off.


Body language 101 teaches us that people who are interested tend to mirror in very automatic and  subtle ways, the mannerisms and body language of those we are communicating with. There is considerable research that demonstrates conclusively this is not just learned behaviour, but an evolutionary biological process that enables us to distinguish between friends and enemies. It is not creepy to  set out to reflect body language, it is simply empathising.

Be respectful and grateful.

When someone has given you their time and attention, be grateful, and respectful for both.  When you communicate that sense of gratitude, most recipients will return the favour in spades. Wandering through the chairman’s lounge in an airport nearly 20 years ago, I walked past Pat Rafter, at the height of his career, just sitting by himself. By chance, I  caught his eye, slowed down without any intention of stopping, and thanked him for  the pleasure he had given me watching him play over many years. He responded by inviting me to sit, and we had a terrific conversation for 20 minutes until the flight was called. He would not remember, but I do!

Follow up.

This is so obvious it is often missed. Following up a casual meeting at a network group is the first step to be taken in the building of a relationship that might deliver a transaction at some point.  It is also the case that those you meet are often a window into their networks, so even if they are not in your ‘ideal customer’ profile, it is fairly certain that they know someone who is.

Do  not expect an immediate return.

Business is still largely done between people, despite the B2B label much of it goes by. As people, we prefer to do business with those we know,  like and trust, and that implies a relationship into which some investment of time, energy and sometimes a lot of caffeine has been made.


Despite all the digital tools, there is nothing like looking into the whites of someones eyes to decide if you want to have more to do with them or not.

Photo credit: Andre Luis via Flikr