Future of Urban Agriculture




How we deliver good quality food and water to an urbanised and growing population around the world is the challenge of the 21st century.

We have gone from a largely subsistence existence to a highly urbanised one in 200 years, a “blink” in the context of human evolution, and some would argue that in the process we have lost some of the “connection” to the food we eat, to our collective detriment.

The last few years have seen the beginnings of a movement back to food basics, and a greater interest in the sourcing, preparation and presentation of food. The “Masterchef effect” if you like.

Some consumers are starting to look for the source and provenance of the food they eat, as a way to ensure they are getting both quality and value. It is far from mass market, but not so far from the mainstream.

However, all change starts at the fringes, as a challenge to orthodoxy, and can rapidly become mainstream as the merits of the argument become known. Technology is changing our lives on a daily basis, but to date the manner in which we grow and distribute our fresh produce has been relatively untouched, but the change is now coming at us at warp speed with urban hydroponics and retail being combined in fascinating ways, like The Farmery, and almost all driven by innovative SME’s

Content marketing, and marketing content


Content marketing 2

Have you created the best content you can, original, insightful, and engaging, that demonstrates your domain knowledge, but it goes nowhere?

No impact, no interest, even your friends do not read it.

It is a bit like throwing a party and having nobody turn up.

Maybe you forgot to send invitations, after all, psychics are pretty rare, so people need to know the party is on.

Creating the content is just the same, the creation is only a part of the process, you also need to market the content, and having done that successfully, then the content can be judged by the response you get.

So, following are four simple, common sense marketing rules to apply to your precious content.

    1. Have a strategy that promises to deliver the objectives, creating the content is not enough.
    2. Use data, not just your gut. The data is freely available, and enormously valuable, use it.
    3. Learn by doing. The oldest and still the best game in town is to experiment and learn.
    4. Remember always that creating the content just gets you a ticket to the game, not the automatic right to play, that comes from elsewhere.

Why B2B websites do not work


Have you ever been in a conversation where despite the language being clear, the subject of the conversation is absolutely muddled?

I have, many times, and it occurs particularly where there is an individual in the conversation who has a barrow to push, and irrespective of anything else said, responds from the barrow.

Now it is happening every day with websites I see.

The site is talking about themselves, their particular barrow, when those looking for something are not interested in their “news” they are looking for stuff that is in their interests.

B2B sites seem to make some pretty consistent mistakes, talking about:

    1. The size and geographic reach of their business
    2. What they have done to shape markets
    3. Their latest “innovation” which more often than not is just a paint job
    4. Their great record of corporate social responsibility
    5. The sustainability steps they have taken.

There are many others, but you get the picture.

By contrast, B2B customers seeking goods and services via the web are looking for:

    1. Information on how the product or service offered will perform
    2. Delivery and after sales service arrangements
    3. Evidence of the expertise claimed
    4. Technical information on the design and performance parameters
    5. An open, simple and transparent communication process pre and post sale

And so on.

The marketing challenge is to see your products and services from the perspective of the customers, and potential customers.

To me it seems blindingly obvious, but clearly, a large percentage of B2B web site managers have no idea, and their marketing needs some intelligent thought.

SME Marketing capability gap


ag capability gap

Marketing technology is rapidly taking over from the hit and miss, ad hoc research, customer and prospect management, and  performance measurement practices that  have dominated to date. This is a particularly critical evolution for  small businesses who are generally already behind as the game started.

As time passes, this marketing capability gap, and hence ability to compete with their larger, better resourced competitors is becoming increasingly compromised.

Simple things like having a website, are still beyond many small businesses. Often they give the task of “knocking up” a website to their 15 year old kids or the summer intern, think the job done, and wonder why business does not walk in the door.

According to the ABS, 60% of Australian enterprises of less than 5 employees do not even have a website.  The penetration in Agriculture is particularly low, yet Ag is being touted as one of the saviors of the economy post mining boom!

There is clearly a disconnect between economic forecasters sitting in ivory towers, looking at survey data  and the reality out in the boonies. Many small businesses in Ag do not have a website, or any digital connectivity for all the same reasons their city brothers do not, but also have the added challenge that access to the web is crap, they can often make a cup of tea while the home page of a searched site launches.

Digital competence is learned, the more you play with it, the more curious you are, the better you get at it. This is counter intuitive to the average 55 year old farmer, who manages risk in a long term, and very organised manner.

Small businesses have wonderful opportunities to compete delivered by technology, the gap created by the economies of scale available to their larger competitors are now increasingly obsolete due to technology, but a new form of gap has emerged, the digital capability gap, that is proving difficult for many to jump.

SME’s often just need some encouragement, a dose of curiosity, and access, then the gap can be rapidly filled.



What matters?




One of the most common questions I get is how you get away from competing on price.

A couple of things are common in the situation that leads to the question:

  1. Someone else has control of the value chain. This is often the case with an FMCG product. In Australia two chains have 75% market share, the supplier, even to the MNC behemoths can only watch as they set the retail price, shelf position and category definition.
  2. The questioner has not spent the time and brainpower to consider what really matters to the customer. They have therefore failed, or chosen not to to make the hard choices that are central to building a brand.

Back to the Australian FMCG situation, as it relates to produce. Coles and Woolworths do not stock any proprietary brands at all in produce, just store branded product. The producer therefore has no control at all about what happens in store,  but they do have a choice: to build a brand in alternative channels.

In some produce categories, hard vegetables, for example, the chains have close to the FMCG share of 75%. Carrots and onions seem to be pretty commoditised, but other categories like sensitive summer fruit, mangoes, stone fruit, and berries like strawberries and blueberries, have a far larger share in the alternative channels simply because the state of the product really matters to consumers. The 17 year old casual in Coles after school does not care much about the sensitive nature of the strawberries,  but the greengrocer often does, the product matters, so they make decisions based on what matters.

Not every consumer will care enough about their strawberries, but perhaps enough will to make the development of a brand worth the effort, time, risk and cost.

When you accept that it is only price that matters to consumers, you have made a key strategic choice. That choice is that you will not care enough to find out what else may really matter to consumers sufficiently that they will make their purchase choice on a basis other than price.

Things that matter are usually beyond the physical dimensions and capabilities of a product, they are the stories that make the difference.

Why is one toaster worth more than another, they both toast bread, but perhaps one is just a tool, the other a piece of kitchen art based on the stories of the designer.

In simple terms, Focus on what really matters

Do you need a telephone?


I asked that question a week or so ago of a group of SME’s, most of whom did not have any digital presence.
None said their businesses would survive without a phone. Why is it then that they think they can survive without a website and social media presence? These tools are as integral to success as the phone, but like the phone, need to be used well, as they are just a tool.

Last week (July 19, 2014) the ABS released a report “Summary of IT use and innovation in Australian Business”

web presence by size

web presence by size

Web presence by industry

Web presence by industry


Businesses with 4 or less employees 35% penetration, 19 or less employees, 60% penetration, overall about 50% of enterprises have no web presence.




Lowest web penetration is, obviously in industries with many SME’s, agriculture, transport, and distribution.





It is a report that highlights the paucity of digital  capability amongst SME’s, which are the backbone of the Australian economy, and back up previous reports by Sensis and others pointing out the shortfall.

The building of digital capability by SME’s is not just necessary to compete, it is vital for survival.


Social media use

Social media use


The pattern is repeated in social media, but is more pronounced, most SME’s do not even use the simplest forms to market their business. 




I remain “gobbsmacked” that so many still seem not to have got the message,

That is where your customers are!!!

But what opportunities there are for improvement and leverage, it just takes a bit of energy and time.