Personalise  to turn cold emails warm

cold email success


So, you managed to get that cold email opened by the recipient.

Well done, past the first hurdle.

The next is to create an environment where the opener does something  you want as a result of the opening,  your next step in the process of engaging towards a transaction.

If you do not have one, why bother in the first place?

A couple of weeks ago I opened a cold email, simply because the headline promised something I had been actively seeking. A  simple CRM system designed for small B2B businesses looking at the opportunities offered by sales and marketing automation to scale their businesses. Exactly the thing I had been looking for to assist one of my clients.

In addition, I could see from the auto-preview that it was directed at me, and that there was a logical connection.

I have reproduced it below:


A review of CRM options for SME’s contemplating a first step.

Dear Allen,

I was in the audience at the recent presentation you gave to small business CEO’s in the AFGC forum. I fully agreed with most of the points you made, and you raised a few I had not considered.

One of them was the difficulty many SME’s have taking that first step into marketing automation, usually a simple CRM implementation. I see from your Linkedin profile and significant number of blog posts that this is the sort of thing you run into regularly.

Attached is a review of a number of systems I completed a short time ago, which I thought might be of value to you.

I will ring you at 8.50 am next Thursday, and if you are available, hopefully take 5 minutes to see what you thought of the systems reviewed.

Kind regards



He did ring at 8.50 the following Thursday, we did have a conversation, way longer than 5 minutes, my choice, and it is likely that we will do some business.

Lets look at what he did right:

  • The headline of the email promised to deliver a benefit, something that may make my life easier.
  • The email had been highly personalised,  and was complementary of the work I had done.
  • The CTA was crystal clear. He would ring me at a specified time, for a chat that almost required me to have read the attachment to participate. It would almost have been rude of me to have been unavailable and unprepared.
  • He promised to take up only 5 minutes. How could I not give 5 minutes to someone who had gone to all that trouble, and who possibly had a solution to a problem in front of me.

  Are your email campaigns as targeted?

Do you do the work up front to give yourself the best chance of creating a qualified lead?

Facebook ads for small business beginners.

facebook advertising for SME's

So, you have a small business and your neighbour tells you Facebook is the place to be, that you can get heaps of likes and sales out of a few dollars.

Not all true, but it can be.

Facebook can be a great way to build a small business into a bigger one, for many types of business, primarily B2C rather than B2B. There are however, some pretty simple hurdles.

Have a clear objective. Facebook visitors do not normally buy off the site, gaining their attention and trust is a process that takes a while. If your objective is to get visitors to click a link in your ad that takes them to your website, the ad copy is likely to be different than one where the objective is to collect likes.

Know your market. Know as much as possible about those you want to attract. Facebook has some really cool filters that allow you to determine who sees your ads, so there is no point in paying for someone who is never going to buy your product seeing an ad. The options cover behavioural, demographic and geographic options.

Don’t boost, promote. Every page has a ‘boost” button on it, which offers a quick and easy way to put your ad in front of eyeballs, but no way to determine which eyeballs. You need to use the Facebook Ads Manager to target your ads, making your dollars work much harder.

Custom audiences. People on Facebook are not generally there to buy, they are there to be social, exchange information, dates, photos, and all the rest. Therefore they may not be interested in your ad, even if it is highly relevant. Facebook addresses that problem by allowing you to upload your own data for use in the campaigns.

Variation. Ads work differently for everyone, so it makes sense to trial a number of versions of your ads, looking for the combinations that work best. You can do this on a small scale if you choose, just to keep the ads fresh for those who see them several times, or if you are spending more, you can systematically split test the differing ads to identify the best options. Some closed groups allow ads only at specific times, and have other criteria that suit the group. In these cases, I usually suggest that the ads change every time. One of my clients places ads in a group that allow them only to be posted on a Thursday, so every Thursday she posts a different ad, carefully targeted at the niche that is a small part of the group membership. Works well.

Be personal. Facebook is at the social end of ‘social media continuum’ so behave accordingly, and choose a tone in the ads that is social rather than  sales.

The genius of social media generally, is that it enables a small business to act like a big one, so don’t miss the opportunity.

There is plenty of help out  there that will assist you with the detail, Kim Garst, various posts on Social Media Examiner, and many others less well known. Use them.

Is FMCG Private label able to continue to grow?

private label

Australia’s Grocery retailers continue the march towards private label range dominance, basing their strategic decision making on two foundations, it would seem to me.

  1. By controlling a large section of their sales via PL, they manage to both increase their margins at the same time they reduce their transaction costs. Good trick if you can get away with it, and in the short term they certainly can, but in the long term?? Who knows.
  2. What works in Europe, and particularly the UK will work here. Over 40 years in this industry, this has certainly held true, what works there generally becomes translated here at some point, in some form.

However, when considering the future of PL as a part of the landscape in Australia there are a few other considerations not present in the UK, and elsewhere in Europe.

  • We have large distances, and  a smaller population, making the economies of scale in manufacturing  and distribution that much more elusive, and less attractive. In western Europe you have 350 million, or thereabouts living is far less space than Australia occupies, with a multiplicity of manufacturing options. Just the UK has 65 million in about the space as Victoria.
  • Over the last decade, the number of middle sized  Australian owned FMCG manufactures has been decimated by a combination of the high $A, the GFC, and the power of the two major retailers, so there is little left. Now the $A is lower, and the opportunities emerging, they are not coming back. Imported private label products now have to carry the added cost burden as well as the substantial costs and risks of the extended supply chain.
  • Where is the innovation going to come from? Medium sized suppliers have been the source of much of  the innovation that has driven category growth over the last 25 years. While it is relatively easy these days to pick new stuff off the shelves in Europe and set out to copy  it, the retailers still need to have the products manufactured, and often massaged to suit local tastes, not so easy any more.
  • Retailers in taking their ideas from European retailers, seem hell-bent on  segmenting the PL share. No longer the cheap and cheerful substitute, European PL now  offers under a range of house brand labels that cover the market from ‘top’ to ‘bottom’ as well as emerging segments like organic and halal are being pushed, further eroding the power of the proprietary brand. As a marketer I ask “for whose benefit?” certainly not the consumer.
  • The Private label business model that demands minimum transaction costs on both sides does not sit comfortably with the proprietary model, with its complex trading terms. In most cases, suppliers of PL also supply proprietary products, adding to the complexity of the paperwork and relationships.
  • Produce is a bit of an anomaly, as there are almost no proprietary brands. Producers and their representatives have comprehensively failed over 30 years to do any sort of branding job, so consumers do not miss what  they never had. However, increasingly consumers seem to be reluctant to buy anything much beyond robust commodity products from supermarkets, believing after 25 years of cricket balls masquerading as peaches, that the specialists do a much better job.
  • This last point is really anecdotal. There appears to me to be a backlash coming from consumers. A typical comment made  to me last week was ‘if I do not want any choice, I will go to Aldi, but when Woolies denies me a choice, I wonder why I pay the premium over Aldi’. The two majors had better be careful, they do not ‘own’ consumers, who will make their choices independent of a retailers profit considerations.

Private label is now irrevocably a part of our lives, but  I doubt if there is too much more room in dry goods for share growth without  compromising retailer margins, but I guess they will be very wise with hindsight.  Meanwhile, the pressure on the few medium sized manufacturers left intensifies.


How to make cold emails 90% effective

alt="cold call"

cold calling


Almost everybody I know hates cold phone calling, there is something in the psychology that prevents us putting ourselves in a position where absolute strangers can reject us 99% of the time.

“Cold email calling” is the less confronting and can be a hugely effective option, but unless you follow some simple rules, will still be 99% ineffective. It is just that the email will go to the trash, and you will not have to put up with someone rejecting you verbally.

If you follow these rules, and optimise your emails, their effectiveness will explode.


1. Research the prospect list.


It is easier today than ever before to create and segment your prospect list into finely drawn groups, each having a persona that is likely to respond to specific messaging. Sending an email to a professional chef outlining your Aunt Mabel’s favourite cup cake recipe is unlikely to be read.

Ensure you have a strong value proposition for each persona that you draw, one that feeds into their motivations, problems and fears.


2. Have a compelling subject line.


Your subject line is like a headline in a newspaper, or the cover of a magazine in the newsagent. In a very few words it needs to capture attention and lead you to the next action.

Ask yourself, “would I open this email”

Have a compelling “sub head”

Your first sentence is like the sub headline on that same magazine cover. If you watch what works in your local newsagent, it is often piquing curiosity that works best. Writers of these covers are the cream of direct response writers, so model your emails on the pattern that works for them.


3. It is not about you.


If your email opens with “my name is Fred Nurk from ABC Corp, and we provide the worlds best   Blah Blah product” you have probably already lost them. Instead, you need to spell out exactly how you can help them do their job better.

Be conversational. Write like a peer, someone who understand the challenges and opportunities of your target, and who relates to them. Being “needy” is the best way to lose a reader, even if you think your cause is the best in the world. Avoid weak  terms like “I hope..” and “I just ….”


4. Establish credibility.


Without credibility, you chances of converting are minimal. Providing social proof, data, of some sort is essential. A testimonial from an existing customer can be very effective, but these days, they have to be video, and the individual has to be clearly identified, and identifiable, otherwise you will be suspected of writing it yourself or getting one of your mates to do a video.


5. Create a process.


A cold email rarely creates a sale, at best it can create a warm reception to the follow up. This is the entry to your sales funnel.

There are three parts to a successful email process that recognise the “moments of truth” that occur. First you need the finely drawn persona noted above, second, you need to map the buying journey to be able to identify the points at which you can create interest, and third, you should have a schedule. It is easier to map out a series of posts around a topic, then write them, than it is to sit facing a blank screen trying to think of something to write today. Believe me, I have tried both.

None of this is easy, and it takes time and expertise, but does work. There is never any substitute for experienced, professional writing. It is not the case that everyone who can write a letter and ensure the spelling and grammar is OK can write a good sales letter, it is an art, so you are probably better off getting an artist.

Are FMCG marketers failing with digital?

geo location

It seems to me that in the tsunami of digital marketing going on, FMCG is being left behind.

For brands largely dependent on consumer sales via supermarkets, you would think that they would be at  the forefront of finding ways to engage with consumers as a means to loosen the choke hold the retailers have on every day purchases through their scale of operations.

When in store, consumers are driven by the environment to “commoditise” their shopping, constantly bombarded by price activity that has over time eroded the impact that a brand can have, giving retailers greater control of the shoppers purse. Price has become such a central driver in FMCG that I suspect many have forgotten how to really build a brand and market value to consumers, rather than just price and availability.

On the other hand, marketers kid themselves with the notion flogged by the snake oil bunch that people want a “relationship” with your brand, and spending mega bucks on building such a relationship will delver returns. Truth is that most supermarket shoppers, confined by a finite budget give their brand “relationships” little thought when in store. They tend to have a pool of acceptable products in a category, and buy from that pool based on an almost instantaneous response to their previous experiences. Marketers really only  get the chance in to get a considered response when a product is being considered for the first time, or there is some other powerful outside stimulus. It is here that an ability to deliver highly targeted messages to consumers via digital means can have a real impact.

So how do we cut through the haze?.

The old rules of marketing still apply, just digitally.

Years ago I worked for a dairy company, we had a great long life custard product, and the simple co-location of a floor stack of custard next to the bananas when they were in season and a value price, with a bit of POS material, saw the sales of both soar. I have done this time and time again, with different product combinations, and the results have been consistent, problem is finding you way through the planograms and rules imposed by central head offices bent on selling floor space to suppliers and maintaining a discipline at store level, often at the expense of  innovating to sell products to consumers.

How could digital work to enable this proven technique?

Apples iBeacon technology is one of several systems that use location sensitive smart phones to deliver brand messages. Unilever appears to be successfully trialling it with a Magnum promotion in the UK in collaboration with Tesco, who have a bit of history of innovation in the digital space. Retailers also have the building blocks of truly innovative co-location and collaborative activity housed in their loyalty card data. Combine that with geo-location and opportunities really open up.

Young consumers, heavy users of digital are not their mothers, they are distinctly different, and see brands and digital through different eyes. Relying on them to accept a commoditised selection on supermarket shelves is probably going to end in pain, as they select the products and brands they want to interact with digitally, and have a whole range of considerations their  mothers would never consider.

I know this digital stuff is going to work when marketers manage to crack the code, and have the grunt to either collaborate constructively with retailers, or go around them. I have written about the cottage cheese club previously, an analogue version of what is possible, now simple and highly extendable with digital tools.

For heavens sake, get on with it!

The water-bucket method of networking.

goodwill & trust

goodwill and trust first

Networking has always been a great way to build a business, and nothing will ever change that.  Most small business owners go to networking meetings, register on linkedin and all the rest for a simple reason: they want to find more business.

Why is it than that when you go to these places, physically or digitally that it takes so much effort, and traction often seem really hard to build for most?


Most people approach it the wrong way, they go along, hand out business cards, have a chat, and move on to the next prospect.

We all do tend to it.

But, remember, most people are there to gain more clients, not become somebody else’s client, so many times we are approaching it the wrong way around.

You have to put water into the bucket before there is any  in here to take out again.

Pretty simple formula, be prepared to put in before you even think about taking out.

Takes a while, takes effort, and that  is why most fail at it as they want to have immediate results, for no effort beyond going along and participating.