Jan 12, 2015 | Marketing, Small business, Social Media
Courtesy www.groovehq.com
Writing a blog is hard work, great to do as it forces you to think critically, read widely, seek to question your own preconceptions, and expand your own expertise, so it can be intellectually rewarding. It is nevertheless time consuming hard work.
As such, it can be seen either as a hobby, or an investment, and if it is the latter, there should be a return on the time and energy expended.
For most small businesses, it can easily become a chore, which is why so many fall back on some formulaic way, just to pump out words and fill a schedule, and end up doing nobody, themselves particularly, any good.
There have been many posts about the “10 smart ways to write more blog posts” lots of advice that suggest a process is the way to make blogging both easy and commercially productive, this one from GrooveHQ being one of the better ones (and I borrowed their header photo) but like most others, misses the essential point.
Blogging is now so common, has become such a generic activity that most material out there is “average”. The task of filtering the really good stuff out for comment and further consideration is becoming increasingly automated, adding to the “average” tendency, as the really good stuff always happens on the fringes, and it usually elusive and challenging, just like any other sort of useful innovation.
To me there is really only three ways to be genuinely useful, to attract and keep readers.
- Display really deep domain knowledge, and be generous with it. Mitch Joel, Mark Schaefer, Avanish Kaushik and Ian Cleary are a few that spring to mind that do this consistently and well, and GrooveHQ is rapidly becoming one of my core reading list, listed down the side.
- Be genuinely interested, concerned curious, and yes, passionate, in your domain, and have that communicated simply by demonstrating an independence of mind, generosity of ideas, willingness to kick the sacred cows, and make the elephants visible.
- Be original, prepared to be challenging, and persistent.
My clients, small businesses in the most part, are being increasingly left behind as is the case in most arenas of competitive activity, they lack a depth of resources, so they just have to be smarter, more agile, and personally committed than their larger competitors.
Those that do it well will flourish.
Jan 9, 2015 | Marketing, Small business, Social Media
Courtesy www.searchengineland.com
“Content Marketing” is the new buzzword, something I consider to be a tarted-up label stuck on a set of activities we have always done, in the hope of adding a few more mirrors to the disappearing hall, so quick talkers can extract a premium for what they are supposed to be doing anyway.
Cynical perhaps, but what is copy in a newspaper column if not content, what about the promotion run by the local car dealer, or the ad on TV?
Leaving that grumble aside, the huge change that has occurred is that content no longer lasts as long as it used to, but has the chance of resurrection, for the real thing!
There is some great stuff being produced, truly inspirational material, but as usual there is a lot of crap, and the volume of crap is increasing as the appetite of the new e-mediums increases, and everyone becomes a publisher.
There has always been a 1/2 life for content, but the nature of it has changed radically.
The half life of a daily newspaper used to be a day, after which it became rubbish, of a women’s magazine, it was a bit longer, a week or two as the articles were read (are they really?) and as the copy got handed around a bit, a radio ad was about 30 seconds at best.
Material published digitally has a much longer half life, but much less chance of being seen on being published. The volumes of publishing on Social media platforms limit both the opportunity to be seen on publishing, and usually the reach of a post (facebook is now less than 5% organic reach) but do offer the opportunity for a second, and third chance, as it does not become fish wrapper tonight.
The most viewed post on this blog was written several years ago, and just keeps on attracting readers, but on the day it was published, well, suffice to say I did not need to take my shoes off to count the numbers. In addition, good posts can be linked, shared, republished with ease, again increasing the 1/2 life, and occasionally there is the remote possibility of a digital lottery win, the viral post.
Digital phenomena like the video condemning Kony, the African nut job laying waste to swathes of central Africa using children as soldiers swept the world, breaking all records, and Psi, that whacky Korean “singer” who became an internet sensation for reasons I simply do not understand, can happen. The 1/2 life of those two may be short, but the reach was huge, and there is always the chance of a rebirth.
Particularly for small businesses with limited resources, considering the nature of their content, and crafting it to extend and expand the 1/2 life, offers great opportunities for marketing and communication leverage they never had before.
Jan 1, 2015 | Leadership, Management, Marketing, Small business, Strategy
happy new year
It’s been the Christmas and new year period, and over the break some introspection occurred, along with the pud, family connections and some nice wine.
One of the insights that emerged was the application of Clayton Christianson’s “job to be done” idea to marketing, and specifically the manner in which I approach the task of developing, selling and delivering Intellectual Capital.
As I thought about what is was going to take to be successful in 2015, I needed to ask, and answer three pretty basic questions:
- What is it that I do every day?
- Why would people hire me?
- How can I help them do their job better?
When I worked my way through those, the answer was pretty simple.
The job of a marketer is to discover, develop, and tell interesting and engaging stories to people who care, who may receive value from the experience an wisdom contained in the stories, and who may take an action as a result that delivers them some benefit.
The job is not to make ads, or create blog posts or posters, it is to identify the ways that as marketers we can bridge the divide between what people are looking for, the challenges and opportunities they face, and how we can help them with the task of “finding.”
I trust 2015 will be a good year for us all, at least better than 2014.
Our families, friends, colleagues, and those who are in great need around this shrinking world need some simple wisdom, helping hand and quiet counsel, and it is up to us collectively to give that to them as we can, in the best way we can.
Happy new year.
Dec 22, 2014 | Customers, Governance, Management, Marketing, Small business, Strategy
“marketing” inventory
Taking inventory is one of the most boring things, but necessary things we all need to do. Understanding what you have in stock is fundamental to determining the operational priorities for the future.
Taking physical inventory is familiar to everyone, it is an essential part of staying in business, but how many take an inventory of their marketing assets?
We spend time and money creating things that we hope will deliver leads, or push them through the conversion stages, but how often do we stop and think about optimising the leverage those assets are generating?.
The Christmas break is a great time to get some of this essential stuff done, to examine from the recipients point of view, how well your marketing assets actually work. Following is a list of the typical marketing assets even a small business should have, and often will have without really considering the implications, consequences and costs.
Planning and tracking.
- Do you have a marketing plan that reflects the short to medium term activities needed to deliver on a longer term strategic plan?
- Is there an activity plan for marketing investments that outlines the timing, costs and expected returns from marketing activity in 2015?
- Have you put in place the measures that will enable you to calculate a Return on your marketing investments at each stage of the engagement funnel?
- Are there tracking measures in place that will enable you to improve your returns?
- How well do you know your existing customers?
- Who are they?
- What problem are you solving for them?
- Would they be prepared to recommend you to others?
- What is your share of their wallet?
- Why do they use you instead of your competitor?
- Do you know who your priority target customers are?
- Are they defined to the point where you could personalise them?
- Are your communications “personalised” and directed to their specific needs and challenges?
- Do you understand their behaviour
- Do you understand why you lost customers, and have you made the choice not to spend resources to keep, or get them back?
- Are there some ex customers you are happy are ex? And why
Digital assets
- Are your websites and social media platforms linked and cross posting?
- Are your profiles optimised on each platform?
- Are tracking codes in place and optimised on each web page and platform?
- Do you work the key search terms for your segments naturally into the headlines and body copy of posts?
- Are the auto responder emails appropriate for the trigger response?
- Do you say “Thank You” enough?
- Are you capturing data at every opportunity?
- The “ABC of sales” or “Always be closing” school of sales has changed to “always be collecting”.
- Are you using analytics to test, test, and test again to improve your conversion rates?
- Do you track conversion rates at each stage of the sales funnel?
- Are you seeking ways to build and leverage relationships with suppliers, and natural partners?
- What is the balance of your sales efforts between nurturing existing relationships to building new ones, and is that balance appropriate?
- How would you rate your relationships with your best customers?
Capability building
- How deep and appropriate is your management “bench” or in its absence, contractors to fill gaps?
- Have you defined the capabilities necessary to sustain growth and profitability, and set about building on the existing, and filling any holes?
Your time.
As the owner of a business, the most valuable asset you have is your time. Problem is usually there is not enough of it, and others do not value it so try to use it to their purposes.
- Do you have the business/life balance right? I know it is a cliché, but that is why it is true.
- Do you explicitly set out to work “on your business” rather than in it? Another cliché, but also true.
- Does the business run without your detailed day to day involvement?
- If not, when will that day come?
Financial management.
I often get puzzled looks when as a marketing consultant I bang on about things financial. However, it does not matter how good your marketing is if the product is crap, or delivered late, or sold at below cost. Financial management is the foundation of any enterprise, as much as marketing is the essential ingredient for success.
- Do you have a cash flow forecast?
- Do you know and actively your costs, fixed and variable?
- Have you calculated your break even?
- Have you a revenue forecast and operational planning in place?
The above is just a start, a “taster” for 2015 which I expect to be a difficult year, so those who are best prepared, will do well, the others… well, they sell flowers at the funeral home.
Thanks for reading, responding and sharing my musings through 2014. I am going to take a break from the keyboard for a short time. Have a safe and merry Christmas, and I will see you in 2015.
Dec 9, 2014 | Customers, Marketing, Small business
Know your customer. www.strategyaudit.com.au
One of the absolute foundations of successful commercial activity is to be able to define your primary “customer” in considerable detail. The more the better.
Years ago I watched as market researcher asked a group to define the brand we were researching as if it was a person walking through the door. The insights gained were enormous, and it is a practise I have used ever since.
However, like most good ideas, they evolve with use.
I now use a quadrant, with the customer in the middle.
- Demographics. This is as far as most go, defining customers by age, sex, financial and social measures, with or without children, homeowners or renters, and so on. Necessary, easy, but very limited analysis.
- External drivers. What are the things in the environment over which the customer does not have control, that impact on their behaviour. Answering this question requires choices to be made, as a 30 year old single woman working full time will behave entirely differently to her married twin sister who is at home looking after a couple of rug-rats, and you must choose which you want to appeal to. The range of variables to be considered is huge, as are the potential responses.
- Internal factors. The sorts of things that people can manage and respond to for themselves, their goals, aspirations, questions they face, and the choices they will be making in their lives. Understanding the psychology and personality of your customers helps you talk to them. No surprise there, because you can talk about they things that value and like to talk about.
- “Who” are they? The fourth quadrant is the behavioural picture you can draw by understanding the nuances and interactions of the first three. Jumping to this quadrant without intensively interrogating the first three will almost inevitably leave holes, but having said that, this quadrant does evolve as you iterate in marketing activity and understand better the behavioural changes that come from differing combinations of messages and service delivery.
I like to be at the point in this process where you can actually visualise the person, and associate them with someone you know well, someone whose behaviour you can anticipate. At that point, the communications you are writing, irrespective of the means of delivery, you can have that person you know well in your mind, and write for them.
The definition of your primary customers should be a constant on marketing agendas. It can easily become complicated by market structures and many other factors, so should be consistently under active consideration. Several of my clients are small businesses who sell to retailers of various types. By necessity, they need to consider both the retailer, who is in fact their customer and to whom the sell, and the consumers, to whom they market as separate.
Dec 8, 2014 | Customers, Marketing, Small business
1932 Rolls Royce Phantom 11
I bang on about “Value” a lot, in all sorts of contexts, and using all sorts of examples and metaphors.
Defining the components of value is challenging, as value to every individual is different in differing contexts.
Value can be described as the difference between the price of an item or service, and the utility the buyer derives from delivery of those goods or services. It is made up of a myriad of variables, speed and reliability of service, timeliness, design, warranties, intrinsic cost of the components, and many, many others unique to the individual and the circumstances they face.
The core challenge of an analysis of Value is that price is quantitative, but everything else is qualitative. Every persons calculation of value will vary according to the relevant factors and the weighting allocated in any set of circumstances.
So what?
Well, the conclusion must be that defining the behavioral characteristics of your target market as closely as you possibly can is essential to maximising the mix of factors to be delivered that the customer will count positively in their calculation of “value”.
Specifying the factors that they will include in a calculation of quality, and understanding the weighting they may allocate in differing circumstances will significantly assist you to craft messages that will engage them in some way.
Often the value derived from an item is in the way of a reward, the pleasure derived from use. A $15,000 KIA is just about as reliable a set of wheels for a journey from point A to Point B these days, but wouldn’t that journey be far more pleasurable in a Ferrari, or BMW, or 1932 Phantom 11 Roller?
There is value in the pleasure, and the imagery usage delivers, and often it is way more important than any quantitative utility derived from use, it is just hard to define.
Assisting with the process of defining the behavior drivers of customers, a Customer Value Audit, is a core part of the StrategyAudit process, going as close as possible to quantifying the components of value for each individual.
PS. Spooky. Bernadette Jiwa, a really accomplished marketing thinker, even though she is a “sand-groper” today posted on Value, as I did. A thought provoking example, and I cannot but wonder at the co-incidence.
Great minds Bernie??