Aug 8, 2022 | Innovation, Marketing, Strategy
Black and white thinking is easy, there is right and wrong, you decide which side of the fence you are on, and stick to it.
Luckily, life is not like that. Life is a mass collision of colours, ambiguity built on ambiguity, built on uncertainty. That is what makes it interesting, and worth living.
Following the previous post that offered 9 strategies for more impactful decisions, it seemed appropriate to observe that the great advice in that post is useless in the absence of being able to see a problem from a number of perspectives.
In other words, see all the colours.
Most problems we face in strategy development are wicked ones, where there is no obvious right and wrong answer, where there are nuances on top of nuances, second order impacts, and where definitive data is hard, if not impossible to find.
Thinking in a binary manner means that you dismiss all these opportunities for creativity because it is somehow inconsistent with your existing views.
This also means you lose sight of most of the stuff from the alternative choices, which is where the richness usually hides.
Differences of opinion cause tension, discomfort, and room for conversation which become challenging for a binary thinker.
Thinking and then communicating in a nuanced way is an enormously valuable skill.
Relationships that last can accommodate the differences caused by the grey areas. It requires that you can hold seemingly inconsistent ideas in your mind at the same time.
Binary thinking means you cannot hold those conflicting ideas.
The question every time in a disagreement, is the extent to which the tension created by differences in opinion are healthy.
We are used to seeing things in a binary manner, it is the automatic response, but we need to find a way to manage the inconsistency and ambiguity. We need to be flexible, as well as being driven by the rules.
The biggest challenges we face have the need to be able to dance with the facts, what works today, may not work tomorrow.
Overdoing structure removes the flexibility, and the opportunity to see things that may become important.
We think most problems can be solved, that is the base assumption we always have, but the conventional wisdom does not always work.
As a kid I lived on the beach, surfed a lot. The water pushed into the beach by the waves needs to get back out somehow, so you have ‘rips’. The area that allows the water to return from the beach. When surfing, you go with the rip, it will take you out, try and swim against it, you will just get tired and make little or no progress. You need to be able to swim at an angle, use the rip to take you out, then move across towards where the waves are.
This skill works in problem solving, finding bits of a problem that are resolvable, like getting a single wave in a session in the surf, you get the thrill of that great wave, use the rip to take you back to catch the next one. It is a process
Tension between people who hold differing views is healthy when managed well. This is when there is a recognition that there is no right or wrong answer to a wicked problem, just the better choice at this point. Then the differences in opinion can better hold the outcomes of the decision to account, it will increase the opportunity to pick up the problem molehills before they become mountains.
Ambiguity and bias can be used constructively.
Embrace your opposites. It indicates you recognise there are differences, give permission to voice the unfamiliar perspective. This is the opposite to just having people with you that agree, then there is no tension, no opportunity to see the differing perspectives.
One side of any question is rarely completely right, and the other completely wrong, we must be curious to see the reasons that the others see it differently.
This is how we produce creative new options that reflect life.
Header cartoon credit: Tom Gauld in ‘New Scientist’ magazine.
Jul 11, 2022 | Change, Innovation, Strategy
When you look over commercial history, there is a cycle in scale.
A new industry emerges, then scales using the capital captured to build production and productivity, which in turn leads to scaled volumes, fed by sales and marketing dominance. At some point, a ‘tipping point’ of some sort emerges and industry fragmentation and change occurs.
Out of the fragmentation emerges a new set of products/services that renew the cycle of scale.
Perhaps the first modern industry that emerged from cottages, leveraging scale and branding, was Charles Darwin’s uncle, Josiah Wedgewood. The industry he created established a global dominance that lasted to 1940. After the war, Wedgewood was replaced by a host of cheaper, more utilitarian products emerging from a reconstructed Japan, and other low cost suppliers.
Early in the 20th century, there were hundreds of companies building their versions of horseless carriages. Henry Ford launched the first Model T in 1908, and built a further 15 million by 1927, almost squeezing out everyone else. Those that remained in the US merged to survive and became General Motors, evolving to be for a while, the biggest company in the world. They dominated until the mid 1970’s when the Japanese, followed more recently by Korean suppliers, almost destroyed them.
By the end of the 20th century there were few legacy car companies left. They are now in the throes of being disrupted by a new generation of electric cars. The incumbent manufacturers completely missed the emergence of battery stored electricity as a replacement for the internal combustion engine, leaving an open playing field to Tesla.
Today, Tesla is the biggest auto company in the world by market capitalisation, bigger than the value of the next 10 manufacturers combined. In terms of unit sales, Tesla is a relative minnow, demonstrating the capital markets view of the power of the trend towards EV’s. Few remember that cars and trams were run on batteries in the earliest days of ‘motorised’ transport.
You can track similar trends in all major industries. Media, communications, heavy engineering, retailing, technology, the only things that vary much are the speed and amplitude of the cycles, which are now accelerating at an unprecedented rate.
Picking where your industry sits in the cycle is an important strategic consideration, as it offers some insights about the types of investments required to stay competitive over the long term.
Jul 8, 2022 | Innovation, Marketing, Strategy
A former client has been providing engineering services to the fossil fuel industry for decades. Having breakfast with him a while ago, he expressed the view that the prospects for the industry in which his business competes, and thus his business are dismal.
He is right, so long as he continues to see his current capability set through the perspective of how the business has operated in the past.
The challenge is to position yourself to take advantage of opportunities as they arise. Emerging technologies of various types are opening substantial opportunities for which his business has deep capabilities, but which are hiding in an alternative perspective of how those capabilities can be leveraged. Changing the strategic frame through which they are seen provides a path forward.
The challenge of the future is to reposition yourself quickly towards the point at which there is real, monetised value to be added.
You must be prepared to make early bets on those opportunities with the best odds of success in the medium term with a minimum of information by which to make those decisions. Equally, you must be prepared to walk away from the sunk cost when new information emerges which reduces the odds of the expected success.
Stripped back to basics, you must set yourself up so that as clarity emerges you are in a position to accelerate into it.
In my younger days I spent half my life on a surfboard. In a big swell, the position on the wave you took after the take-off was critical. Done right, you were able to accelerate out of the bottom turn into the fastest part of the wave, and, hopefully, make it through the break above you. Get the timing of the bottom turn just a bit wrong, and ‘Wipeout!
It is the same in business, positioning yourself going into uncertainty in the manner that puts you in the best position to accelerate out as it becomes clearer will be the difference between those who make it, and those who do not.
Photo credit: John Morris via flikr
Jun 30, 2022 | Change, Strategy
Promoting change is a major strategic and management challenge. Most will accept that change is a necessary ingredient in survival, but most will also hope it is the other bloke who changes, and they can continue in in their comfortable cocoon.
There are three ways to initiate and lead change, all based on behavioural psychology.
When you ask people to make minor changes, and provide the background information so the changes seem reasonable, people will usually be prepared to make them. Minor change, on minor change, compounds to significant change is what seems like a short time when you look backwards.
You are not taking people too far out of their comfort zones by making these minor changes.
‘Anchoring’ is a core technique in negotiation that is fed by ‘fixing’ on the first number mentioned. In a negotiation over wages for instance, you often see what amounts to an ambit claim, a huge increase over what you are actually prepared to accept. The process then becomes one of compromising, meeting somewhere in the middle. The higher the starting point, the higher the ‘middle’.
Catalytic event.
When something happens that is an attention grabber, it can be used to demonstrate that the status quo is simply not viable, and change is a necessity of survival. This can be used at an individual and corporate level. Management jargon often uses the term ‘Pivot’.
Steve jobs did it on returning to Apple, by radically reducing the product range, and focussing resources on the ‘Mac’ and development of what became the iPod. Bill Gates executed the biggest ‘Pivot’ in corporate history in 1995 when he realised that the internet really was something big to come, and that Microsoft had almost missed the boat. Gates wrote a memo to all staff that instigated the pivot that in an instant, turned Microsoft 180 degrees.
On several occasions over the years as a contract manager and ‘change-agent,’ I have deliberately generated a catalytic event. On each occasion, corporate survival was at stake, and significant change was essential. Under normal circumstances, the scale of the changes necessary would have been untenable in the absence of the catalytic event.
The management challenge to successfully making change, whichever strategy is used to make those changes, is to ensure they will ‘stick’ after the initial pressure is removed. The tendency to revert to the previous status quo is always very strong.
Jun 8, 2022 | Leadership, Management, Strategy
Much of the volume of paper dedicated to pontificating about strategy these days seems to focus on ‘Purpose’. Sadly, we do not have a workable and agreed definition. What we do have is confusion about the meaning, particularly when you consider the other strategic pontification generators ‘Mission’ ‘Vision’ and ‘Values’
What are the differences, and how do they improve enterprise performance?
In my view, spending time worrying about the differences, and similarities is time wasted. All are words that should lead to four outcomes that will improve performance.
They all provide a framework against which strategic decision can be measured. ‘Does this decision enhance our performance in a way that assists to deliver whichever of the labels you choose to use.
A well articulated statement of strategic intent, called by whatever labels you choose, supported by overt action can, and does offer the opportunity for a differentiated product offering that will be hard for competitors to copy. This generates incremental revenue, at enhanced margins when done well.
Human resources.
Most people would prefer to work for a company that makes a positive contribution to their community as well as offering competitive pay and opportunity. I have an acquaintance who used to recruit for a tobacco company. His experience was that they had to pay well over the odds, and accept a modest performer in order to keep bums in the seats to get the job done. BTW, I dislike the term ‘human resources’ but have yet to come up with a better one that does not sound confected.
This often misused word gives a sense of direction, focus, behavioural norms, common ideals and risk management that enables the building of momentum. ‘Culture’ is the essential glue that holds enterprises together.
You do not need a strong purpose, or either of the other two to have a successful enterprise. Most have survived and prospered to date without one, but there is no doubt in my mind that it helps enormously, however you define it.
Header cartoon credit: Courtesy Scott Adams and Dilbert.
Apr 25, 2022 | Leadership, Strategy
It is Anzac Day 2022, a day we remember those who fought to give us the choices we now have to shape the lives we lead.
In homage to the sacrifices they made, we need to be thinking seriously about the choices we are making that will impact on those who follow us.
Significant in those thoughts should be to think differently about the term ‘climate change’.
It is too narrow a term, implying we just need to be concerned about the immediate impact of CO2 on weather, and the human and capital impacts of those changes.
Instead, we need to be thinking about the challenges more holistically.
The planet we live on is an ecosystem, of which we humans are just a small but enormously influential part. For millennia, the impact we had on the eco system was inconsequential, but that changed with the industrial revolution, and have continued to change at a geometric rate. We suddenly are taking more out of the ecosystem than previously, impacting on the ability of the system to replace what we have taken, to the point where currently we are taking more than can be replaced.
An ecosystem is a bit like an investment portfolio. It benefits from diversity. When the diversity of any portfolio reduces, it makes that portfolio less resilient to outside shocks.
The planets ecosystem is being stripped of diversity, and as it is with an investment portfolio, it has become less resilient, less able to sustain itself. As a result, we are seeing those radical changes in weather patterns, and the consequential changes in climate.
There is nothing we do that does not come from nature. The oxygen we breathe, the water we drink, the foods we eat, the materials we use, all come from nature. We are part of the planets ecosystem, whether we like it or not, and we are consuming the resources of the ecosystem at an unsustainable rate.
Think of it as you would a balance sheet. On one side you have assets, on the other liabilities and equity. When your assets grow faster than your liabilities, you add to the store of equity. When it is the reverse, you deplete equity. The tipping point is when your equity is gone, and you can no longer sustain the difference between the rate in increase of liabilities over the production of assets. At that point you are bankrupt.
We humans have been depleting the assets of the planet unsustainably since the beginning of the industrial revolution, and the rate at which the depletion is happening is increasing. At some point, the music will stop, and subsequent generations will face the sort of dystopian future we see in sci-fi movies.
I think we have reached, or almost reached that point.
On this Anzac Day, as we have a BBQ in the back yard with friends, sink a few beers and stand in circles and throw a few pennies in the air, we should also be considering the legacy of our time in this place, and what we should collectively be doing about it.
It also happens to be my beautiful, educated and talented daughters birthday. Perhaps it is the thoughts of her children, yet to make an entry, that have made me consider the sort of world that my generation is leaving to them.